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Thursday, January 7, 2010

it doesn't happen often...

...but when it does, it is pure sweetness. Once every couple of months, something will wake The Mayor up from his slumber and he can't go back to sleep unless he is rescued and cuddled. It is pure joy to wrap him up in his blanket and rock with him in his chair. The way he immediately calms down and then looks at you with a huge smile through red, swollen, wet eyes and then rests his head on your shoulder...makes it all worth it.

Tonight we had one of those nights. And it was bliss. We kissed and said "I love yous" and I rubbed my nose against his. He thought this was so funny. He kept looking at me and saying "momma's nose" prompting me to do it again. Then he would giggle and ask "momma's nose" again. There really isn't much sweeter in this life than the love and innocence from a 2 year old.

Tomorrow morning will be a tough one for me since I have now been up for the past 2 hours; The Mayor is sleeping but I am now wide awake. But I will think about this special moment that only he and I have shared and it will make me smile...and be worth it.

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