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Thursday, July 21, 2011

a day with dana

This morning we headed out to accomplish one of the things I was most excited about doing on this trip...hanging out with Dana. Dana and I became fast friends back in our freshman year of high know those friends where you start out not knowing each other but by the end of the first weekend you hang out together you are just instant best friends. That is Dana. We have been through a lot the past twenty plus years we have been friends and she is absolutely one of my most favorite people on the planet. I love that when we are together it feels like we have never been apart but I do wish we lived closer than 8 hours away. Maybe one day...

It was HOT today so we went to the pool to try and get some relief. The kids had a blast running around and jumping into the cool water but after a couple of hours, the kids were getting tired. Luckily, Dana has 3 kiddos of her own so she is prepared. She had a pack-n-play that Love Bug was able to use for a much needed nap. The Mayor bounced around from playing in the playroom and lounging in front of the TV. He had a few moments of cranky tears but for the most part, the kids did awesome. Love Bug got such a kick out of Connor...she cracked up at him and he was so sweet entertaining her while she ate her snack. Lily and Love Bug took turns following each other around, giving hugs and sharing toys. The Mayor had a blast following Connor around, wrestling with him and attempting to tackle him (boys are such boys!) and egging Lily on for races back and forth from the sunroom to the kitchen while we were eating dinner. I would hear him say "1-2-3 GO!" and she would take off! It was so cute!

I so wish we lived closer but cherish the moments we do get to see each other. Luckily I don't have to wait too long...we are going back Saturday morning.

sweet Lily

worn out...he played hard

sweet each other hugs

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