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Monday, August 22, 2011

fencing in the crazy

Our fence is being installed today. It looks amazing and I am so excited. They should be done tonight or tomorrow morning. It is a 6 foot privacy fence that will be saddle cut. I really wish I had been taking pictures of the backyard from when it was a huge wooded mess until now...but oh well.

Here are pictures of the progress of the fence. When it is complete, I will put up a picture. After the fence is in, we will have grass put in the backyard and then a play set for the kiddos.


during...posts being put into ground

during...horizontal supports being put in privacy fencing being nailed in. Once complete, they will come back through and saddle cut the top

Love Bug supervising

We had a pretty good day today. It was pretty lazy since the fencing people blocked me in, but we still had a great day. At 12:30 this afternoon, The Mayor told me he wanted to go to sleep. He slept for about an hour and 20 minutes. This usually means a late night for him but at 6:15 he came into the kitchen and said it was time to go to bed. He is fast asleep. I really hope he isn't coming down with something and that he is just really tired from yesterday's 5 hour pool party.

The Mayor and I said our prayers and prayed especially for his behavior at school. We prayed for The Mayor to make good choices and for his name to stay on the green light. Oh, I really pray he has a good day at school tomorrow.

The Mayor's Adenoidectomy was scheduled for Thursday, September 1. We go in on Monday for his pre-op. It is crazy to think next week he will be having surgery but I will be happy to get it done and over with especially since his sinuses are acting up again after being off the 30 day round of antibiotics for a little over a week. Hopefully since his adenoid is infected and swollen, having the source of infection removed will make him feel like a new boy.

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