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Monday, August 8, 2011

i love him

The Mayor was the first unconditional love of my life, Love Bug was the 2nd. It is so true, you do not know what love truly is until you have a child. And I am sure I have written that statement a couple of times over the life of this blog. I can, and actually have, stayed up nights crying over my children. Tears of worry about their futures, if I will be able to protect them when they are in school and not under my constant supervision. All of the unknowns in this horribly scary world...literally keeps me up some nights. I love my children and I only want the best for them.

But The Mayor is really testing us. The past couple of weeks have been really difficult with our spirited 3 1/2 year old. If you say apple, he will say orange. If you say yes, he will say no. If you say sit down, he will stand up. All of the things that never used to be battles are now battles. Putting clothes on, eating dinner, washing hands, getting into the car...oh, I could go on and on...are battles. I fully expected and anticipated our growing son to stake his independence and test us to our fullest at some point in his young life...I just didn't expect it to happen all at once and literally over night.

So to my son, my first born and first unconditional love of my life...I love you with every single fiber of my being. But when you look back on this blog 20, 30 years from now and wonder what the heck is going on with your own first born...just know that sweet angel, my grandchild, got it honest.

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