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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2 out of 3 ain't bad

Today is day 3 of operation "we miss daddy"...and thankfully it was a great day. I was really worried how today was going to end up considering the day we had yesterday, but today was good. This morning was spent at an indoor playground, where lucky us, they had a trampoline set up. It was awesome! And what a perfect way to have a 2 year old burn off energy...indoor playground with a trampoline...with a net around it. So he could just be free! After several minutes of jumping around, The Mayor went from one playground display to another. After 1 1/2 hours of full-on running, jumping, swinging, sliding...and he was ready to go. The ride home was quiet because he couldn't stop sucking his thumb. Lunch and a great nap for both of us followed.

After nap, we ran up to Publix to load up on some groceries for The Mayor's weekend away at Mamie and PopPop's. I still can't believe he is going to be gone for an entire weekend. I really hope I can relax enough to enjoy the peace and quiet and don't spend the whole weekend feeling anxious wondering how he is doing and missing him. But this will be good practice for both of us when in a few short weeks I am away from him for a few days while in the hospital with Bear.

I just checked Delta's website and daddy's plane is over Georgia! Thankfully our family will be under one roof again in a little over an hour. Tomorrow is going to be a great family day!

jumping in the trampoline

cruising down the slide

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