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Thursday, February 11, 2010

he knows something is going on

If you ask The Mayor if he is having a sister, he finally says "yes". And although he is too young to truly understand what that means, he definitely knows something is going on. He senses it...changes. We are going to finish his new bedroom and have him moved in by the weekend, new pink baby stuff is making its way into the house, he knows something is going on. Which has made him especially clingy, especially with me.

Because of this, it looks like we are entering a phase where he wants consistency. Last night, I dropped him off at Mamie and PopPop's house (like we do every Wednesday night) so we could go to small group, and Uncle Sloan was there. The Mayor didn't seem to like that his regular Wednesday routine had a new person involved. For the first time, he followed me to the door and looked sad while I pulled out of the driveway. Luckily, he warmed up to Uncle Sloan being there and all was well again. According to PopPop though, The Mayor wouldn't leave Mamie's side all night.

5 1/2 weeks until Bear arrives...I am hoping the transition will go smoothly and The Mayor will quickly adapt!

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