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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

operation "we miss daddy" day 2 part 2

Yep, just as I 2 kicked my butt. The Mayor FINALLY went down for a nap after he fought it for almost 2 hours. He woke up mad, sad and crying. Thankfully PopPop and Mamie were home and opened up their home for us to visit. This put The Mayor in a great mood. However, right before we left to go see them, I received a call from the baby furniture store where we ordered Bear's furniture (that should be arriving any day now) to be told there has been an issue with the manufacturer and the furniture won't be in until the end of March. AAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Seriously! Our house is literally utter chaos. The ONLY room that is clean and organized is The Mayor's new bedroom. The nursery, our bedroom and the downstairs guest room are cluttered with Bear's stuff...clothes, bedding, strollers, decorations, I could go on and on. And now, the furniture probably won't be here until the end of March/beginning of April. Of course, we really don't NEED the furniture since she will be sleeping in a bassinet for the first few months in our room, but we do WANT the furniture now so our home can go back to being orderly and clean. Everything in its place. So annoyed about this.

Back to The Mayor. He was so excited about seeing Mamie and PopPop, he talked about them the entire 3 1/2 miles to their home. He ran to the front door with anticipation until the front door opened and then his tantrum began. WHAT? Sometimes I would love to be inside that 2 year old head of his to get a glimpse into his world and what makes him tick. How does one child go from 0 to 60 so quickly? A quick "time out" and the realization that I wasn't leaving him but actually staying seemed to do the trick.

Thanking the Good Lord above that tomorrow is day 3 and the day daddy returns home. Sadly, he won't be here until after The Mayor is in bed, but at least he will be here!

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