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Saturday, February 6, 2010

i'll eat those words but with a side of fries please

I really do make it a point to try and stay away from the "I will never..." and "my kid will never..." or "my kid will do this...". I have been around enough children in my life to know every single one of them is different and every single one of them WILL, at one point or another, do whatever it is you said you swore they would never do.

But there is one thing I did make the mistake of saying I would never do...and in the past 24 hours I have eaten those words 3 times. I always said if or when we owned a car with a built-in DVD entertainment system, that said system would only be turned on for road trips. And my definition of road trip was truly a road trip. Car packed up, spending the night somewhere other than home. Those words tasted mighty delicious last night when we left the dealership in our new minivan...equipped with a DVD entertainment system...that upon entering, The Mayor promptly asked for "Thomas and Friends". He hasn't even been in a car with a built-in entertainment system, so I am a little perplexed how my little 2 year old knew to ask for it upon seeing the system in the ceiling (the TV wasn't even pulled down yet), but somehow he knew, and on went Thomas and Friends. That DVD has been on every single time we have been in the car.

I am fully aware that I am the momma and I can say no. But there is almost nothing worse than listening to your 2 year old crying, over nothing, in a trapped environment. And I just don't think I have it in me (especially considering I am sleep deprived from being 34 weeks pregnant) to say no yet to the DVD being on and listen to the endless tears that would inevitably come from not putting on Thomas and Friends. So in the meantime, I would like a side of fries with my words please.

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