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Saturday, February 27, 2010

"stay"cation begins

It is 2:24 in the morning and shocker, I can't sleep. So I decided to blog. I have made it through the first day of our stay-cation and The Mayor being gone. I made it about one hour before I had to text PopPop to see how he was doing. And I checked the time on my phone every 5 minutes for about an hour until I knew he would be in bed so I could call and get an update. That update almost had me in tears. I think the only reason I didn't break down was the fact that we were in the middle of The Disney store at the mall. Pretty impressive considering the surge of hormones running through me. I am sure many tears will be spilled while I recap.

According to Mamie and PopPop, The Mayor had a great time playing, but once it came to bedtime, he started missing his momma. He was asking for me while his little lower lip trembled. Doesn't that just break your heart? When I spoke to my dad, he said The Mayor was still a little upset but was calming down and would hopefully be putting himself to sleep shortly. And when he said goodnight and I love you to Mamie after she put him in the crib, he did it through sobs.

As much as I want to go to the house, even at 2:31 in the morning, and pick him up because I miss him so much, this weekend is badly needed. For all of us. In 2 weeks, The Mayor is going to be away from us for 2 nights while we are in the hospital with Bear, so the practice is definitely needed. And it is good for The Mayor to rely on someone else besides me for a couple of days in case, not in case but actually WHEN, I will need the help once Bear arrives.

Luckily tomorrow will be a busy day for us so it should hopefully go by quickly. Sunday morning we will be meeting PopPop, Mamie and The Mayor at church and The Mayor will be back in our possession by 10:30 AM. I can do this...and so can The Mayor.

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