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Sunday, December 15, 2013

sing, sing, sing

'Tis the season for lots of singing...fa la la la la la la la la.  The Mayor had two performances last weekend at church.  The adult choir had their annual Christmas program and the children's choir joined them for two songs.  It was adorable...and hysterical.  The Mayor did great; we really were so proud of him.  He stood in his spot, he wasn't fidgety and he wasn't freaked out by the crowded sanctuary filled with strangers watching.  However, we have two large big screens on each side of the sanctuary and The Mayor caught a glimpse of himself on the screen and that was it.  He spent the remaining portion of the program watching himself on the big screen.  At one point, he actually held his arm out to see his hand on the TV when his entire body wasn't in the picture.  Oh my, I couldn't stop laughing.  It was absolutely so precious and innocent.  And it did feel good to know he wasn't the only one...several of those sweets were so excited to see themselves on the big screen.  He would also look forward to watch his choir director and then you would see his face and just the white of his eyes because he was trying to cut his eyes to look at the screens without turning his head.  I don't have any pictures of him but I do have video!

Sunday morning we went to see Santa.  The kids did great, and The Mayor wrote his own letter to Santa this year.  I just love this Santa...we get to make an appointment so there is no standing in line for hours and we get a DVD made of their visit.  We love going back and watching all of our visits with Santa over the years.  The kids think it is the best to see themselves with the big guy and they really get a kick out of seeing themselves as babies with him.

posing for the picture

going over their lists

love these sweets

Tuesday, Love Bug had her school Christmas program.  She was precious.  It is so funny the difference between boys and girls.  She immediately found us in the crowd, waved and stood in her spot and sang proudly.  She took it very seriously and sang her sweet little heart out.  After her performance, we went back into her classroom for a little reception and then the day was over.  Ah, preschool in December.  Since she had early release because of her Christmas program, I decided to check The Mayor out of his school early and D and I took them to see the Disney movie Frozen.  The movie was so adorable and the kids had a great time.  It was a fun treat checking him out of school early and spending family time together.  I'm not sure how often we will do these types of things since The Mayor actually was upset I checked him out.  Even after I told him we were going to see a movie he asked for me to take him back to school!  He was missing his specials and wanted to go back.  Ha!  Totally not my kid!  He finally started getting excited once I let them pick out some candy at Target to take to the movies.  But I'm not sure he ever was on board with this plan 100%.

singing proudly

proudly ringing those sleigh bells

Love Bug and her buddy Paige

Wednesday evening Love Bug had another little program.  Since she is in preschool choir at church, they don't have an actual performance like The Mayor did when they joined the adult choir, so the preschool choir had a mini-performace for the parents.  She was so excited to see us and enjoyed singing for us.  After they sang, we had a little party back in their classroom.  It was sweet seeing her and the other preschoolers who participate in choir singing.  She really has a love of music...just like her momma.  I hope she carries that with her throughout her life.

waving to us

love her...this is how she prays.  She takes it very seriously, puts her hands together and keeps those little eyes shut


Thursday, D had to travel to South Georgia because Big Daddy was having back surgery.  I wish I had been able to be there but the kids had school.  D got up at 2am to travel down there to see his dad before his 7:30am surgery.  The surgery went well and D was home around 11pm that night.  We will see Big Daddy over Christmas break...we can't wait!

Friday was The Mayor's holiday party at school.  I am the lead room mom in his class so it was day I was really looking forward to...because I was ready for it to be over.  Not that I don't love planning class parties for my kids but it is completely different once you are in the public school.  For instance, this was a holiday party...not a Christmas party.  And the school doesn't want the students just eating junk while everyone socializes.  The party was centers based.  So we had 6 centers/activities and the students were in groups and rotated through.  It took a lot of planning but after all was said and done, it was a great party.  The students had a blast and the teachers were so pleased.  I was completely worn out afterwards...I really don't know how teachers do it day in and day out.  Kudos to all teachers!

making a superhero craft with his friend (the classroom theme is superheroes so we had a craft to match the classroom theme)

waiting in line for the bean bag toss

posing in his cute shirt

holiday bingo

making fingerprint snowflake ornaments

reindeer donuts

waiting in line for pin the buttons on the gingerbread man

Friday night, D and I had a graduation party to attend for our dear friend's daughter (who happens to be our favorite babysitter) and then Saturday, D and I were downtown for a concert with some friends.  It was a great whirlwind weekend.  But now D is starting to get sick from his crazy week and I am about to use toothpicks to keep my eyes open.  This upcoming week is the last week of school before break.  Love Bug's last day is Wednesday and The Mayor's last day is Thursday.  Can't believe Christmas is almost here!

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