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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

storybook lane

Today was Storybook Lane at the kids' preschool.  The Mayor's class was doing Cat in the Hat and Love Bug's class was Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?  The Mayor's class made their own hats and bow ties.  They were adorable and The Mayor immediately spotted us in the gym.  He was so proud that D was able to be there.  He kept waving at us and saying "hi".  It was so precious.  And we were so proud that he actually wore the hat and especially the collar around his neck.  We made a big deal about that one with him at his class party.  Very proud of our boy!

Love Bug was dressed as the yellow duck from her storybook.  She looked so adorable with her yellow shirt (that I had to buy last night at Target since she doesn't have a yellow shirt) and the homemade hat her teacher's made.  She was so excited to be walking until she spotted us.  Mainly D.  Once she saw her daddy she ran over to him and started crying when her teachers and I tried to get her back into line for the parade.  Daddy trumped the parade and she wasn't leaving his side.  D and I were so shocked...Love Bug usually isn't so sensitive and unwilling to participate...but D admitted he loved that his girl only wanted him.  Such a daddy's girl.

After the parade, we headed back to Love Bug's classroom where the teacher's read the book and the kids made the animal sound they were dressed as.  Love Bug proudly stood and said her "quack quack".  After her part of the book, I snuck out to head to The Mayor's class party.  They were eating cookies and drinking chocolate milk.  A few minutes later, D showed up and The Mayor was so proud his daddy was there.  It was a great day.

The weather was gorgeous today...almost hit 70 degrees today.  The Mayor spent over an hour playing on his playground and then another hour outside riding his bike while Love Bug napped.  I hate she missed the outside playtime but that girl needed her nap.

On an unrelated but very exciting note, we are making huge strides with The Mayor's eating.  Food has long been an issue with him...some of it sensory based, some of it just picky toddler.  But the past few weeks, especially this week, he has really broadened his diet.  He eats an apple almost every day (per his request), he eats applesauce everyday at lunch (we used to have to spoon-feed it to him while he would cover his ears and gag (covering his ears is weird but it is something he does when he is eating something he doesn't like)), last night he ate baked chicken, sweet potato and broccoli!  The past two Taco Tuesdays, he has actually eaten a taco.  Meat is usually an issue but he has eaten it!  And the biggest kicker is his request for carrots!  Not the mini-carrots already in the bag, but he asked me to buy the whole carrots while we were at the store the other day.  They were only 89 cents so I went for it.  Today he asked to have a carrot for snack (shock!) and he ate almost the whole carrot with some ranch dip.  He also doesn't put up nearly the fight he used to when it came to trying new foods.  I am loving this corner we have turned!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

a day of birthday parties

Whoa.  Today was a whirlwind and I am one tired mommy.  After a yummy breakfast, The Mayor and D went running shoe shopping and then went to lunch.  While they were out, Love Bug and I went to the park so Love Bug could model some hats and outfits for our friend then we went to celebrate Callyn's first birthday.  It was a fun party and I loved having the girls together.  Love Bug, Molly and Callyn were so cute.  Love Bug is usually the baby of the group so it was funny seeing her as the big girl of the group.  After gifts and cupcakes, it was time to go home and make the switch.  Love Bug got to have one-on-one time with Daddy and The Mayor and I went to birthday party #2 of the day.

The Mayor's good friend Nicholas was turning 5 and was having his birthday party at the bowling alley.  Yikes.  It was our first bowling party and the first time ever bowling.  There were about 6 other parties going on at the same time, plus normal Saturday was a little chaotic.  But the kids had a blast and that is all that matters.  The Mayor used the ramp for the first few frames and then decided he wanted to try actually throwing the ball down the alley.  And by throw, I mean throw.  He held the ball at his chest and chunked the ball.  I told him it was a lot easier (and safer) if he just held it at his side and rolled it.

After bowling, the kids got a $5 arcade card to use so we played a few games.  The Mayor's eyes were actually blood shot when we left because he was so tired.  So after the party it was straight home and into bed.  Not too much longer and this momma will be in bed herself.

This day was nonstop but tons of fun, and the kids loved having one-on-one time with D.  D and The Mayor had a lunch date and D and Love Bug had a dinner date.  They each felt so special having that time with D...he has been so busy at work that the kids don't get to see him a lot during the week so today was very special.

Love Bug modeling one of the hats

Love Bug, Molly and Callyn

Nicholas and The Mayor

sending the bowling ball down the ramp

Friday, January 18, 2013

s'more fun

This week started out wet, wet, wet but thankfully it ended sunny.  Today was gorgeous.  Sunny and in the 50s.  The Mayor had 4 great days at school and both days Love Bug was at school were good days for we celebrated tonight with a fire in the fire pit and s'mores.  If you ask me, I am pretty sure there wasn't a better way to end the work/school week.

Tomorrow afternoon Love Bug and I will be going to celebrate Callyn's first birthday then I will drop her off at home and pick up The Mayor so he and I go to his good friend Nicholas's 5th birthday party.  The afternoon will be go, go, go so the morning needs to be slow, slow, slow.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

our little princess

Today Love Bug was so eager to wear one of her princess dresses...and today I said yes.  She usually asks to wear the dresses on a school day, but since today wasn't a school day for her, Miss Love Bug transformed herself into Snow White.

I have to admit, it was so much fun having her dressed like Snow White.  Everywhere we went people would commit on how cute she was and she just loved the attention.  She did look precious.

After nap, she asked to dress in her Repunzel dress.  What can I little girl loves pretending she is a princess.  I didn't realize I was going to have such a girly-girl.  But she is so much fun and I wouldn't want it any other way.

The Mayor had a great day at school and church tonight and we got home from church just as D was pulling in from work.  We had dinner together and then spent the rest of the night building word puzzles (helping The Mayor learn to read and spell) and then it was time for baths and bed.  Wednesday is our busiest day of the week and it always flies by.

Tomorrow is a school day for both kids and is supposed to be the last day of rain forecasted for this week.  Thank goodness.  I am ready for Friday and the weekend where it is supposed to be sunny and in the 50s.  We need to be outside and burning off this energy!

our Snow White

 photo-bombing...I really don't know where he gets it from

our monkey

he said he was tired so he decided to rest on her head


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

she is so sassy

Every morning when we get Love Bug up from bed she will not leave her room without two things: a pair of shoes and an accessory for her hair.  Even if we are just having a PJ day, she will put on a pair of shoes with her PJs and ask for a hair bow.  Sunday morning we were all lounging in our PJs and slippers for breakfast and D went to get Love Bug up from bed so she could join us.  D kept her in her PJs and Love Bug picked the rest:

I.  Love. This. Girl.

After a yummy breakfast, we got ready to go to church.  After church, D and the kids came home for lunch and naps and I had my first tennis match since I popped my calf muscle back in August.  It was nice playing again...and a win made it even better.

Yesterday was a great day.  The Mayor had speech therapy and it was our first week off from OT.  It was nice to only have a 30 minute therapy on our calendar and nothing else.  We had all morning to hang out and run errands and not be rushed to be anywhere.  I am excited that every other Monday will be this light.

Today was a school day and I was thrilled because it has been raining here non-stop since Sunday night and the kids have been so bored.  Going to school at least got them busy and let them burn off some of this crazy energy.  The rain will be here all week...I am going to have to get creative on things for the kids to do the next couple of days.  Sitting inside just isn't cutting it.

Thankfully tomorrow is a crazy day with speech therapy, school and church for The Mayor.  Love Bug and I will spend the morning running errands and enjoying some girl time together.  Can't wait!

Friday, January 11, 2013

the weekend is here

The week was a pretty great one.  The kids have settled in nicely with their normal routine and I have been on top of our schedule and the housework.  This house hasn't been this clean and organized for this length of forever.  I am not going to call it a resolution because I don't make those but it is just a new attitude on life.  I'm trying not to take life for granted, make the most of our time together and keep us organized.  It was nice having a clean house and laundry caught up so I knew we could just enjoy this weekend.

After dinner, we cuddled on the couch to watch a movie on the Disney channel.  I just couldn't help myself taking pictures because D was wearing the spider hat The Mayor made in school today.  We all took our turns wearing the hat but the camera only captured D's turn...funny how that happens.

The kids are asleep and D and I are going to watch a movie.  Love low-key Fridays!

she was in the middle of saying "cheese"

D modeling the spider hat

doesn't he look so happy to be wearing the hat? :)

such a ham

the boys

Thursday, January 10, 2013

she is potty trained

The first week of our normal routine has been going very well.  Really no complaints.  The kids have settled in nicely to getting back into school (and The Mayor's speech therapy and OT) and I am getting used to having to get dressed and out the door by a certain time each morning.  Vacation is over and reality is back.

I can't believe tomorrow is already Friday.  I am excited about the weekend and the temperatures that are being predicted.  70 degrees and sunny on Saturday!  Hard to believe it is January.  The Mayor has a birthday party that afternoon so it will be sure to be a great day.  Sunday we have church and I have my first tennis match since I popped my calf muscle back in August.  I am excited to get back on the court.

Big news in the Shirley household...Love Bug is officially potty trained!  No more diapers (she still wears them at night) but she is in big girl panties all day during the day.  She wore them to school Tuesday and Thursday and came home dry and in the same clothes I sent her to school in.  What a difference from potty training The Mayor.  No issues with going #2 either...I guess this is my reward from the lllllloooooonnnnnngggggg process of potty training The Mayor.  We deserved to have one of them be easy to train!

We are really getting out of the baby phase.  No more diapers and pretty soon we will have to get Love Bug's room converted to a big girl room.  She is still in her crib and I like it that way!  She sleeps well in the crib and the thought of training her to sleep (and stay) in a big girl bed gives me serious anxiety.  I say she can stay in the crib until she is 8 but I think D is going to pressure me to make the change closer to her 3rd birthday.  He is already talking about getting her new bed.  I am not ready!

my "baby"

Monday, January 7, 2013


The kids asked if they could watch a show before bedtime.  When we told them yes, we got a loud "yay" and they ran to the couch and we found them like this.  I just love when my kids get along so well.  They were so sweet lying this way on the couch, giggling and waiting patiently for the show to start.

Day 1 of our usual routine was a crazy one.  It took awhile for the reality of not being able to get up when we wanted and having to be dressed and out the door by a certain time to settle in.  We pulled into The Mayor's speech therapy one minute before it started.  We went from speech to his OT where we received great news.  The Mayor got the clear to cut back to every other week!  He has hit all of his goals and peaked.  We are so proud of him!  Of course if he starts to struggle a bit, we can always start back with weekly therapy, but he has been doing so well I don't see that happening.

After OT, we hit Publix for some much needed grocery shopping then home for a quick lunch.  After lunch we headed back out because The Mayor had an appointment with the county to be reevaluated.  We think he will qualify for additional services through his future elementary school in addition to the speech therapy he is already receiving.  We are so happy!  We will get the official results next week but this helps us feel so much more comfortable sending him off to kindergarten knowing he will be getting additional help.  Kindergarten is so much harder and we were so worried with the long school day, larger classroom and all the time the kids are required to focus that he was going to struggle.  But now that worry is greatly diminished!

After his evaluation, we came home to rest.  The kids watched a movie for a bit and then went upstairs to play.  The little stinkers got into some trouble though.  They got their tub toys out, pulled their step stools up to The Mayor's sink and went to town playing with their toys in the sink.  They. Made. A. Mess.  Water was everywhere...but at least they were playing nicely and together (I am determined to see the silver lining).  However, before bed, The Mayor me he would "NEVER play in the sink again...NEVER mommy, I will NEVER play in the sink again".  I laughed and said OK...I guess I got my point across.

One more quick story, the kids were coloring at the table while I was cooking dinner.  The Mayor colored a picture, tore it out of his coloring book and crumpled it into a ball.  I asked him what he was doing and he said he was wrapping a present for his sister and that he needed to put it under the tree so she could open it later, then he put it under the chair where the tree used to be.  After bed I picked up the paper and noticed there was something in it.  He had wrapped one of his new trains he had received for Christmas as a present to his sister.  Some days are just great days and this was one of those days.

Friday, January 4, 2013

take that stomach bug

we went from this... this in 24 hours

We made it through yesterday with no more vomit.  But we did lie around and rest all. day. long.  The Mayor had a little bit of an appetite; he ate about 10 Saltines and drank about 100 oz. of Gatorade (not really but it felt like it).  Love Bug never got sick but she was all about the moral support.  When she saw her brother's pallet on the floor, she said she needed a "bed" as well.  They were precious lying together watching TV.

When we tucked them into bed last night, it was with the promise if we made it through the night healthy, we would get outside and play today.  They were excited.  48 hours of being in the house, lying around and watching hours and hours of TV gets old...real quick...especially with little ones.  

We waited until after lunch so the temperature at least was in the high 40s.  We headed to a local park and played for a little bit.  Apparently every other parent in the area had the same idea because there were a lot of kids.  And when I spent 46 seconds panicking because I couldn't find The Mayor (he was climbing a rock wall and I couldn't see him or hear him) my heart couldn't handle it anymore and I bribed them with hot chocolate.  Thankfully they were cold and agreed.

We headed to Starbucks for a mid-afternoon happy and then went to Target to get a few items.  They were cracking me up while sitting in the back of the cart together.  They were laughing so hard at each other and then kept bear hugging each other.  I told them I would love it if they kept it up for the rest of the night.  And they actually did.  I hope they are always this close.

We are thankful for the weekend.  We are all going to the gym in the morning...D (the hardcore) and me (the New Years sellout)...the kids are excited because they love the kids area.  At least 3 of the 4 of us will be happy to be there.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

zofran: the wonder drug

This sweetness occurred after 8 hours of vomiting.  Oh how I hate it when my sweets are sick...but I really hate it when they are sick and vomiting.  You just feel so helpless.

At 4AM, I was woken up with cries from The Mayor's bedroom.  At first, I thought he was crying because he heard D moving around and he was upset D was leaving to go to the gym.  But the crying intensified and then it became his "something is wrong" cry.  I got out of bed to be greeted at his door with a crying Mayor covered in vomit.  He had gotten sick in his sleep and the fun began.  After we got his room stripped, cleaned and sanitized, The Mayor climbed into bed with me.  

I made him some Gatorade to keep him hydrated but he couldn't even keep that down.  I would wait an hour and let him have a sip, and it would come back up.  Then he would violently dry heave and then it got to the point where he was vomiting bile and wasn't urinating.  So off to the doctor we went for Zofran.  Thankfully a friend of mine was able to keep Love Bug so I didn't expose her to The Mayor or the germs in the sick waiting room at the pediatrician.

He vomited the last time at noon in the Publix parking lot while we were walking in to get his prescription.  I put the first pill in his mouth the second the pharmacist handed me the bag.  That drug is a wonder drug.  I got him home, covered him up and told him he had to wait a few minutes before he could drink (the doctor said to wait 30 minutes) and this is what I found.  My sweet boy passed right out.  I woke him to have one sip and he didn't wake up to get after his nap, I let him slowly drink some fluids.  By 3:00 in the afternoon, he urinated for the first time (which was a huge relief because we were 2 hours away from the cut-off time of having to take him to the hospital).  

He is running a fever and I gave him a second dose of Zofran right before bed.  Praying he gets through the night.  He has had only fluids today and if we wake up tomorrow with no vomit, I will let him eat some saltines.  Praying Love Bug (and D and I) come out of this unscathed...not holding my breath but wishful thinking nonetheless.

We did manage to have one good day of 2013...on New Year's Day we had an impromptu football watching party with some friends.  The kids were super excited Aidan was here to play...only hope we didn't pass any germs along to him!  

Happy 2013!