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Saturday, March 31, 2012

new traditions

I missed the last 7 nights with the kids.  I have never missed putting them down for bed for more than one missing 7 nights was torture, but working on that project kept me from being home at bedtime.  D told me the kids had some new routines for bedtime and tonight they showed me.

The first one is after bath.  They get out of the tub, each wrap up into their towels and then curl up on D's bath mat.  The Mayor then asks to have his back scratched (he is so my kid) and then Love Bug helps D scratch The Mayor's back.  They looked absolutely adorable curled up in their towels, lying next to each other, giggling.

They each run to their rooms to get their PJs on and then meet back in Love Bug's room.  They each grab pillows, lie down and get covered up with Love Bug's 3 pink blankets.  They say goodnight and D leaves the room.  He lets them "talk" to each other for a few minutes before it is time for each to go to their own rooms for the night.

I really love this stage with the kids.  They adore each other.  Love Bug looks up to her older brother and The Mayor loves to protect his younger sister.

This afternoon while Love Bug was napping, The Mayor saw a picture of Love Bug and he said "look at my cute little sister.  She is so cute!  And look at her eyes, she is so happy!"  First, I was so proud of all of those words that he put together!  But secondly, I was so proud of the love pouring out of him over his sister.  He didn't even realize I was listening when he was talking to the picture frame.

Today was pretty uneventful...just how I like it.  We went shopping for some deck furniture; I wish I could just make up my mind.  I am so wishy-washy when it comes to big's annoying.  Tomorrow we have church and I am hoping we can squeeze in a family walk.  This weather is amazing; the temperatures have cooled a bit into the 70s so it actually feels like spring.

Friday, March 30, 2012

whirlwind week

I've kind of been MIA this week...I have been helping out with a project for a friend's Market Research company this week.  I help them out with projects when they ask, but usually the projects are only on weekends and any data entry I do is done at home while the babes are sleeping.  This particular project is a 7 day project so it means D has taken on a role of Mr. Mom this week.  I am again reminded of how blessed I am to have such a hands-on dad as my husband.

But even though D has been helping out a lot this week, there are still a few things only momma can do.  And one of them was making the bunny rice krispie cake for The Mayor's Easter party he had at school on Tuesday.  Tuesday was also school picture day for The Mayor...I can't wait to post that precious picture.  Love!

I was happy that I didn't work today.  It gave me a chance to have a break and to be with my sweets.  I really missed them!  The first day and a half I thought of the work as a vacation...but after that day and a half I was really missing them.  Getting home after your kids are asleep is tough.  I was so happy to see them this morning and help with bath time tonight.  Tomorrow, is my last day of work for this project.  Thank you to Meega for helping watch the kids until D gets home from work.  

Today was the last day of school for The Mayor for a week.  Spring break is here!  How is this possible?  I feel like Christmas was last week and this weekend the month of April is here.  Another year is just flying by.

I was supposed to work this weekend, but since I won't have to now, I am really looking forward to some much needed family time this weekend.  And I'm excited to be going to church!  I have missed the last 3 weeks so I am eager to get back to our awesome Sunday School class.  

love my girl...and her George

Monday, March 26, 2012


Well, Miss Love Bug has had quite the reaction to the pollen in the air and all of that has now turned into a nasty case of sinusitis.  After a trip to the pediatrician and a prescription for some medicine to clear up the drainage and her goopy watery eyes, hopefully she will be an all new little girl.

The Mayor had another successful day at his OT.  I am just so happy and relieved this new OT is in his life.  He just seems much more comfortable with her.  What a huge blessing she has been.

Tomorrow is The Mayor's Easter Egg Hunt and class Easter party.  I just made the Rice Krispie bunny cake for the party...I hope the kids like it!

Friday, March 23, 2012

when daddy is in charge

When daddy is in charge, breakfast occurs on the counter.

We've had a great week.  A great week.  I am not sure if it is the weighted blanket or what, but The Mayor has really been wonderful this week.  He just seems like a different boy.  He actually was excited about his new OT on Monday.  He had a great day at school Tuesday.  He did amazingly well during his county evaluation on Thursday, so well that I am not even sure he is going to qualify to receive OT through the school.  He tested in the 84th percentile for fine motor OT testing and 75th percentile for visual OT testing.  Amazing!  I found out they do not provide OT for sensory processing issues in the schools.  Because sensory isn't an academic issue, they don't provide services for it.  So it looks like we will be sticking solely with his private OT.  He is more than likely going to qualify for speech through the school though (judging by what the speech therapist said after his evaluation), but we won't find out for sure for another couple of weeks when we find out his results.

The Mayor had soccer tonight and D texted me that The Mayor was really engaged in his practice tonight.  I am just so proud of my boy and the week he is having and the amazing strides and accomplishments he is making.  I know it isn't easy for him and he is just doing awesome.  They had pictures (team and individual) done tonight after practice so I can't wait to see those.

Love Bug is apparently going to be bothered by pollen like her momma.  Poor little baby has had watery, runny eyes, a horribly running nose and some rattling in her chest.  We are on day 2 of Claritin so hopefully that will provide her some relief soon.

Looking forward to a low-key day with my sweets before they go spend the night at Mamie and PopPop's tomorrow night.  They are going to have a blast hanging with their grandparents and D and I are excited to have a date night with some other couples from our Sunday School class.  Can't wait!

before he and D headed out for practice

Sunday, March 18, 2012

how we roll

This is pretty much where you will find my children during the next few months.  They love being outside and riding their new bikes.

We skipped church this morning (our church was having a church-wide picnic so our Sunday School class was canceled - we thought it would be too chaotic with the kids this year), so D went on a bike ride while me and the kids delivered dinner to some friends (one had a baby, the other has a husband who is sick).  After our delivery, we came back for some bike riding.  The kids stayed outside for almost 2 hours before they came in for lunch.  After lunch, it was more play time.  Let's just say, both kids were asleep before 7 tonight.  They were exhausted.  

Tomorrow is The Mayor's first therapy appointment with his new OT.  Praying it is a success.  I talked about his new OT and all the fun things they were going to do and he said "let's go see her" so that is encouraging!  I told him we were going in the morning.  I have a sitter coming to watch Love Bug just in case I have to go into his therapy session with him.  Hoping that isn't the case...we will know in the morning...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

our little helpers

We went to Home Depot this afternoon to look at stone.  D created a firepit in our backyard but he thinks he wants to make a small wall around the firepit.  So he laid out the stone on the ground at Home Depot to see how big the circle would be.  The Mayor was the big helper, he would straighten the stone once D put it on the ground.  He was quite the supervisor.  And Love Bug walked around the stone circle to make sure it was straight.  Such a helper she was.

This morning, D ran a 5K at our church.  He and two other friends of ours from our Sunday School class ran.  They did awesome!  D came in 5th overall and 1st place in his age group.  He finished in 19:53.  The elements weren't especially kind to the runners.  It rained on them the entire race, and about 5 minutes after the race was over, the rain stopped.  By lunch it was sunny and warm with no clouds in the sky.

We spent the rest of the evening playing outside and walking around.  This weather is amazing!  Although it does make me a little worried about how hot our summer will be.  We literally went from 40s to 80s in about 2 weeks.  Going to be a scorcher!

Gary, Jeremy and D after the race

Thursday, March 15, 2012

donuts with dad

One of the things I love about The Mayor's new preschool is the way they have events that celebrate the family.  Today was donuts with dad.  D got to take The Mayor to school at 9 and then for the next hour they celebrated dads and granddads.  Over the past couple of weeks, each child made a few special gifts for their dad and today the kids gave them to their dads.  One of the gifts was a painting each child did of their dad with a questionnaire the child filled out and then the dads had to guess which painting was theirs based off of the answers to the questions.  They also made ties for the dads to wear to the breakfast and my favorite gift was D's handprint with The Mayor's handprint laid on top.  The teachers framed that one for us.  Love!

After the breakfast, D and the other dads left and the kids went into the chapel for an Exotic Animal Show.  The show lasted 90 minutes (which I think is insane for preschool aged kids).  But his teacher said The Mayor did an amazing job!  He sat there for an hour before he started getting a little fidgety and then he asked to sit in his teachers lap.  He sat with her for the last 30 minutes.

D went to pick up The Mayor and because he got there a little early, one of his teachers asked D if he wanted to read some stories to the kids.  How cute is that?  I only wish I had pictures of D reading to the kids and them surrounding him.  He said the kids were so excited that a dad was there reading they were practically sitting on top of him.

The Mayor's teacher called me at home today to tell me again what a great day The Mayor had. She said we really needed to brag on him and tell him how proud we were of him because he just did amazing...especially with the changes to their normal schedule with dads being there and the 90 minute animal show.  We already had made a big deal about it when he got home from school but after the call we just continued...we even let him pick dinner.  Pancakes and bacon.  Yum!

The Mayor's weighted blanket arrived late this afternoon.  I am so eager to see how it helps at night with his sleep.  And if this afternoon is any indication, it is going to work wonders.  He has been cuddled under that blanket ever since the UPS man delivered it.  So far he loves it.

Tomorrow we are going to the playground to play with one of The Mayor's buddies...assuming the rain moves out.

the framed handprints

D's tie...decorated by The Mayor

the theme of the breakfast was "Dads are Top Dogs" so they made their handprints into dogs with this cute poem

The Mayor painted this portrait of his daddy

these are The Mayor's responses to the questions about D

D and his tie

The Mayor relaxing under his weighted blanket

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

two year well visit

Love Bug had her two year well visit this morning and I'm happy to report she is healthy!  I mean I was absolutely expecting that to be the case, but it is still nice to hear none-the-less.

At two years, Love Bug is:
28.4 pounds (71st percentile)
33 inches (32nd percentile)
19 3/4 centimeters head circumference (97th percentile)

When they measured her, they had her length at 35 3/4 inches.  I knew that could not be correct.  For one thing, she was 32 inches at her 18 month checkup (there is no way she has grown over 3 inches in 6 months) and secondly, Bennett is 35 inches tall and he is taller than Love Bug.  When we got home, I measured her (by putting her feet against the wall and making a pen mark on the door jam and measured her.  Both times I did this, it came back as 33 inches.  I am probably off an 1/8 - 1/4 inch, but I knew there was no way she was almost 3 feet tall!

The Mayor had a good day at school today.  It was rainy and dreary when I dropped him off and sunny and beautiful when I picked him up.  And it looks like the weather is going to be amazing for the rest of the week.  Thursday the high is 78 degrees!  Looks like winter is officially over.  Thursday is "Donuts with Dad" at The Mayor's school so D will walk The Mayor in and have breakfast with him.  I can't wait to hear how it goes.  It will be fun for D to get to see The Mayor's class but I am a little worried since this isn't part of our normal structure.  

Tomorrow, a dear friend from our Sunday School class has offered to take The Mayor and Love Bug all morning long!  She wants me to drop them off after 9 and not come back until 2 when she has to leave to get her daughter from school.  How nice is this?!  I am really looking forward to some alone time.  It will help recharge my batteries!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

our girl is 2!

Today our sweet Love Bug turned 2.  And the day could not have been more perfect.  The weather was sunny and in the 60s and she was surrounded by family and friends who love her.

The kids had a blast jumping in the inflatable and going down the inflatable slide.  I was so happy I had rented it.  The kids wore themselves out...and they all played so well together.  Love Bug was a little apprehensive at first, she would only jump while being held by D and would only go down the slide in his lap.  By the end of the party, she was climbing into the inflatable by herself and would go down the slide alone.  Such a big girl!

My sweet love...I am so blessed to have you as my daughter.  Until 2 years ago, there was something missing in this family...and you came and completed us.  You are loved more than words could ever express.

D bought the birthday girl these beautiful flowers

coming down the slide in daddy's lap

big boy

blowing out the candles

digging in

daddy's girl

came down the slide all by herself!

sweet Bennett

taking an ice break

The Mayor had to help with the gift opening

Friday, March 9, 2012

the next david beckham?

Tonight was The Mayor's first soccer clinic.  I was so sad to miss it; I was working for a market research company that I sometimes do contract work for.  D made sure to take tons of cute is he?  I love it when little kids play soccer and you can't see their legs because of the socks and shorts covering their legs.  He is so cute!

I was proud to hear he was loving it!  He was so excited to put on his shin guards and cleats and was participating and listening to his coach!  Such a proud momma!  He made it almost the entire practice before he got tired and wanted to go home.  He actually went up to D and said "Dad, give me the keys, I'm gonna drive home".  Hysterical.  D told him no, had him stick it out the last few minutes, thank his coach and say good-bye.  I am just so happy he was happy to be there!  And to his credit, he didn't fall asleep until 11PM last night and was up at 6:45.  Yikes.

Needless to say, he was fast asleep at his normal bedtime tonight and we will make sure he naps on Fridays before soccer.

Birthday preparations are now complete and we are just waiting for the big event in the morning!  I can not believe my baby is going to be 2 in just over 12 hours.

Here are some cute pictures of Bennett and Love Bug from the other day when Meega came over to help me make birthday decorations.  How cute are they?

they are sharing dried pineapple

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

a great day

The Mayor had a wonderful day at school.  And seeing the thumbs up from his teacher while I made my way in the carpool line and then to hear her tell me he had such a great day...well, it just makes the rest of the day an amazing one.

I am so proud of my boy and the hard work I know he is putting forth.

We spent the rest of the day getting more stuff done for Love Bug's birthday this weekend...I'm getting really excited!!

Tomorrow it will be non-stop party prep.  Finishing up the decorations and getting the house ready for houseguests.  Can't wait!

Monday, March 5, 2012

jumping beans

The Mayor's trampoline arrived today!  He loves it...and so does Love Bug.  This is going to provide hours of entertainment for our guy.

I have decided to keep some OT things around the house to help The Mayor's sensory processing.  This trampoline will allow him to get out energy and satisfy some sensory cravings.  I have also ordered a weighted blanket that will hopefully allow our little guy to fully rest and get into a deep sleep at night.  For too long he has woken up saying he is tired.  We have tried everything and are hopeful this blanket is our answer.  Many OTs and parents of children with sensory issues swear by these blankets.

Tomorrow is a school day and many prayers are being sent up that The Mayor has a great day and is excited to go in the morning.  We have talked about school all day and told him he needs to tell his teachers about his cool new trampoline...he was excited about that.  Hopefully that excitement carries over to the morning.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

sunday funday

D got up this morning and ran 15 miles with one of his training buddies.  When he got home, I jogged/walked 2 miles.  I am currently doing a couch-to-5K training program in anticipation of my first 5K in May.  D averaged a 7:30 mile...mine was substantially slower...but that's least I'm doing it.

After our runs, we got ready and headed out to church.  I am really loving our church.  It's so funny, D and I have church hopped for most of our marriage.  And even when we found a church we liked, every Sunday would roll around and D and I would look at each other and ask "are we going to church today?".  We have yet to ask that question when Sunday rolls around.  We know we are going and we are both excited to be there.  Love that God has answered prayers and placed this Sunday School class in our lives.

This afternoon was a little lazy but great nonetheless.  We just enjoyed playing with the kids and letting them run wild.  We ran around this house like it was our job (and when I say we, I mean The Mayor, Love Bug and D - I just supervised).  They ran so hard they were both ready for bed come bedtime.

This week we will be gearing up for Miss Priss's 2nd birthday!  I can't believe my sweet baby girl is going to be 2 on Saturday.  Ugh.  The past 2 years have really gone baby isn't really a baby anymore.  I love that peanut and can not imagine our family without her.  She has completed this family.

love this little guy too