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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

dad's day

Today was Dad's Day at The Mayor's school.  The theme was baseball so D decided to dress the part.  He wore his Atlanta Braves jersey and baseball hat to school.  He actually asked if he should wear his softball uniform to really play the part but I told him most dads would be in work clothes so they could go to work when Dad's Day was over.  D was disappointed other dad's didn't dress in baseball clothing...I just told him that just proves he is the best dad there :)

D said they had a great time.  They went into the classroom for pictures and then into the gym.  They had different stations to play games and different stations to make crafts.  D said The Mayor's favorite station was a cookie making station...not surprised!  They decorated a baseball shaped sugar cookie with icing and red licorice string to make the laces.  The Mayor apparently devoured his creation.  Again, not surprised.  They also made a baseball and glued it on a clothes pin and attached a magnet, made a baseball pennant with The Mayor's name on it, made a hotdog, a Tomahawk chop and a #1 dad "foam" finger.  They had also taken pictures of the kids wearing a baseball hat and holding a bat last week and glued it onto a baseball the kids colored.

While there, The Mayor presented D with a "My Dad" book where The Mayor answered questions about D and painted a portrait of D.  Precious.  I just love these events and hearing the kids describe us and seeing them get so excited about us being at school.  The Mayor was so happy D was going to school with him today.

Love Bug and I enjoyed a girls day together this morning.  She is such a sweet little helper and enjoyed being by herself running errands with mommy.  If only they were always so sweet and well behaved when they were together...

We are going on night 3 with D not being here for dinner or bedtime.  One of his clients is in town so they are at the office and working a lot of late nights.  I am ready for this week to be over.  I was not born to be a single mom!  And the kids have actually been great this week...thank goodness...I'm just exhausted!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

super saturday

The Mayor had his soccer game this morning and our special guests were Meega and Bennett!  The Mayor seems to really like soccer but he really loves the support he gets from his family.  He was thrilled Meega and Bennett were there, although he was a little sad Walker wasn't there, and wanted to spend more time on the sidelines with them instead of on the field.

After soccer, we went home and played in the backyard.  The weather was amazing.  70s with a great breeze.  We played on the swings and went down the slides but spent most of the time lying on the grass in the shade and having tickle fights.  It was an amazing morning.

After our playtime, we went to a Halloween store to look at costumes and then went to our neighborhood playground.  It was getting a little warm and there was no shade so we came home for lunch.  After lunch, Love Bug napped (and so did D) while The Mayor and I watched The Lorax.  It is becoming the kids favorite movie and they ask to watch it everyday.  After movie/rest time, we took showers and me and the kids met Vicki and Aidan for dinner at Zaxby's while D met some of his buddies for a guy's night to watch the Georgia game.  Dinner was so much fun but my kids were acting  a little like wild donkeys.  I wonder what it is with kids when they get around their friends, they think all the rules are off?

After dinner, we ran to Publix to get stuff to make for our Sunday School fellowship in the morning and then home for bed.  The kids were exhausted from a great day and were asleep minutes after I shut their doors.

Tomorrow is church and then to the Disney store to shop for Halloween costumes.  Can't wait!

water break after the warm-up before the game starts

Love Bug warming up with the team

Go Mayor Go!

Meega and The Mayor

sweet cousins

Coach and his sidekick

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Love Bug and The Mayor are kind of digging the movie The Lorax so she requested it be put on tonight while D made us breakfast for dinner.  She curled up on the couch with D to watch her.

It was a school day for both kids and they both had a great day.  While they were in school, I went to the orthopedic for my follow-up and now I am boot free!  After school, we brought Love Bug home to nap and The Mayor and I met Vicki and Aidan at Catch Air and let the boys play.  They ran around and played for 2 hours straight...they had the best time!  I love seeing The Mayor playing with his buddies...the boys were so cute just chasing each other and following each other down the slides.  Love them!

Tomorrow is a school day for The Mayor so Love Bug and I will enjoy some girl time...can't wait!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

they love their lights

I am totally "that" person.  I celebrated the amazing weather last week with temps that had lows in the 50s and highs in the 70s by getting out the fall and Halloween decorations.  I don't care that my Halloween decorations are up in September.  I'm excited about this time of the year.  My absolute favorite time of year.  So I busted those decorations out...and the kids are so excited.  They LOVE having the pumpkins out.  Today we put our Halloween lights up in the kitchen.  The Mayor dragged his and Love Bugs chairs into the kitchen and they both just sat in front of the windows and looked at the lights.  It was precious.  Those kids love lights...and decorations.  I can't wait until the Christmas decorations go will be a party in this house.

We had a great weekend.  The Mayor had his second soccer game Saturday.  He didn't score any goals this week, but he was happy to be out there trying his best.  And when it was his turn to sit out, he was cheering his teammates on.  He was really excited that Mamie and PopPop both came to his game. The Mayor definitely has the biggest cheering section out there.

The Mayor, #12, dribbling the ball down the field...he was thisclose to making the goal

The Mayor and Love Bug with PopPop

The Mayor and Love Bug spent the night at Mamie and PopPop's house last night since D and I had a birthday party to go to.  It was a pretty early night for us since D had to wake up early this morning for his training.  Six weeks until IronMan!  We are so proud of D!

Tomorrow will be pretty low-key since The Mayor has speech and OT.  I am looking forward to it since once Tuesday comes around it feels like a whirlwind.

Love this she eats ice cream

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

our little model

Love Bug was asked by a friend of ours to model some new clothes she has made.  Our friend owns her own Etsy boutique and was making a new pattern of pants and needed a model.  The perk is we get to keep the clothes!

We met at a local park so Love Bug could "model" the outfit.  She didn't smile once and most of the pictures have Love Bug holding a bag of Skittles and a lollipop.  My friend was smart to come prepared with bribery snacks and she kept telling me it was fine Love Bug was holding the candy.  She showed me some of the pictures on the camera and they looked cute.  She took 106 pictures...surely she got some cute ones to use for her website.  Still haven't seen them yet...can't wait to get my hands on those pictures!

Here are some I took with my camera phone:

The Mayor had a great day at school.  And I was a little worried since he had speech therapy in the morning and was a little whiny on the way to school.  But his teacher said he had a good day so he earned his 4th sticker for his chart at home.  Which meant we went to Target and bought Flynn The Fire Engine.  The look of pride on his face when he picked that toy off the shelf and knew he had earned was priceless.  And tonight while tucking him in, I told him tomorrow starts over the sticker chart and after another 4 stickers, he gets another prize.  His eyes were huge.  I need to get to the dollar store because he will not be getting Thomas Trains every 4 stickers...we will be broke.  Dollar store prizes from here on out.  But the reward will still be sweet.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

our little baker

This morning The Mayor and I met his class at a local bakery for a field trip.  The kids got to wear baker's hats, listened to a story and heard about how the bakery makes their bread.  They got to feel flour and taste honey and then they got to take a tour of the bakery.  They saw how the bakery mills their own wheat to make flour, they saw the dough being made and the bread baking.  They got a goody bag with a loaf of bread to take home as well.

After we left the bakery, we took the kids back to school for the last 2 hours of the day.  Both kids had a great day at school and we came home for Love Bug to take a nap and The Mayor kept me entertained while I cleaned our bedroom and bathroom.

Tonight we had a low-key dinner and then kids took turns have tickle wars with D, jumping on him and riding on his back like a horse around the house.  The kids laughed so hard until they had little tears coming from their eyes.  I just love it when the kids have those huge belly laughs.  It makes my heart happy.

Tomorrow is a speech therapy and a school day for The Mayor and then Love Bug and I are going to meet a friend at a park so Love Bug can do some modeling.  Our friend makes clothes and wants to test a new outfit and asked if Love Bug would model it for her.  Bonus - we get to keep the outfit!  Of course I will post some pictures of her cuteness!

he really did have fun...regardless of the fact he (and the kid to the right) is yawning...

Monday, September 10, 2012

impromptu playdate

I was really looking forward to today.  After a long weekend filled with a really late night of football watching with some great friends, I was happy the only thing on our agenda was The Mayor's speech therapy and OT this morning.  So I was really happy when on the way home from OT, I spoke with my friend Theresa (whose son Nicholas is one of The Mayor's best buddies) and she said she had kept Nicholas home from school today because they had been traveling this weekend and got home late.  I jumped all over that and got them to meet us for lunch and then they came back here to play.

The Mayor and Love Bug were thrilled to be eating lunch with Nicholas and then getting to play with him.  They just love Nicholas.  And I loved getting to hang with his momma and enjoyed catching up.  The weather is amazing so after they played in the playroom for a bit, we went outside to enjoy the great weather.  They played until 2:30 and then it was time for naps.  Both kids slept until 5:00 and were back in bed by 7:30.  This weekend really has taken a toll on the munchkins.

Tomorrow is a school day for both kids.  The Mayor actually has a field trip in the morning to a local bakery.  They get to take a tour and sample some yummy bread.  I get to go with him (all the parents do) and then he goes to school late.  Should be a fun morning with my favorite little guy.

Nicholas and The Mayor

Saturday, September 8, 2012


The Mayor had his first soccer game this morning and it was so much fun!  There are 6 on a team (and there are 20 U5 teams in our league) and they play a 3-on-3 the chaos is moderate.

The whole team concept is very new to him and making sure he was aware this was a team sport and he couldn't get upset when others were kicking the ball was emphasized about a dozen times to him this morning.  He did great.  No tears or fighting over the ball...from any of the kids!

The Mayor scored 3 goals!  It was great seeing him work the ball away from the pack of kids and dribble it down the field.  The smile on his face was priceless.

Now we are home and getting ready for naps before all of the good college football games start.  It's going to be a long night!

Mamie and The Mayor

The Mayor and some of his teammates

dribbling down the field...

...about the score...
