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Sunday, May 27, 2012

12 hours of non-stop fun

The Mayor was up by 7AM and outside riding his bike by 7:30.  Never in a million years would I have thought we would be riding bikes at 7:30 in the morning, but when the highs are in the 90s, you get out early to enjoy the cooler weather.  

D and Big Daddy took turns driving the golf cart and following The Mayor on his bike.  Luckily, the neighborhood Big Daddy and MeMe live in is very quiet with very little traffic, so The Mayor pretty much had free range on the road.  D said he probably rode more than 2 miles this morning...he kept riding around the block over and over and over again.  

Miss Love Bug finally woke up around 9 and she wanted to join in on the fun.  She lasted about 10 minutes and then was done riding her tricycle and was ready to come inside.  Such a girl.

We met up with Aunt Nat, Uncle Tom, Trey and Luke in Valdosta, had lunch together and then all headed back to MeMe and Big Daddy's house for the evening.  The Mayor and Love Bug LOVED having their cousins here.  Love Bug really took to Luke, and he was so sweet with her.  They went back into one of the rooms and Luke rocked with her and read books to her.  It was so sweet.  

The Mayor and Love Bug were beyond tired tonight and asleep right at 7:00.  Love Bug actually fell asleep on D while he was rocking her...that hasn't happened in months.  The Mayor actually told me he was ready to go to sleep...that hasn't happened in...well, it's been a long time.

The cousins will be back tomorrow for more fun and then we will be headed home.  This weekend has flown by.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

yikes it's hot

We are melting here in South Georgia.  Gracious it is hot down here.  Stifling.  But the kids could not be happier to be with their MeMe and Big Daddy.  They talked about getting to their house the entire car ride down here.  And they wouldn't let anybody but Big Daddy get them out of the car once we did get here.

This morning we had Addy's 3rd birthday party.  The kids had a blast.  The party was at Monkey Joe's; it was the first time we had ever been there and we will definitely go back.  The kids worked up quite a sweat running from one inflatable to the next.  Seriously, there was about a 3 inch circle of hair on the top of The Mayor's head that was dry...the rest was drenched in sweat.  The boy plays hard.  Even dainty Love Bug was sweating.

I thought the kids would have passed out on the drive to South Georgia.  Not one second of that ride was spent sleeping...but you better believe they were fast asleep at 7:00 tonight.

Tomorrow we get to see Aunt Nat, Uncle Tom, Trey and Luke.  Going to be another great day!

sweet Love Bug

daddy and Love Bug going down the slide

his shirt is wet from water from the water fountain...but his hair is wet from sweat

sweet Addy and Avery

getting ready for cake and ice cream

Love Bug and the birthday girl Addy

Friday, May 25, 2012

it starts so early

Love Bug kept coming into our bathroom tonight while I was finishing up cleaning and she emerged from our closet wearing my 4 1/2 inch platform pumps.  I begged her not to move, grabbed my phone to take a picture and then asked her to get out of them.  She was about to attempt to walk in them to push her Elmo on the dump truck.  I just knew a trip to the ER would be in our foreseeable future had she taken some steps. That girl loves shoes.  Any shoes.  If The Mayor, D or myself have shoes lying around, Love Bug will put them on.

Tomorrow morning we are celebrating one of our favorite people...Miss Addy will be turning 3 and The Mayor and Love Bug have been talking about her party all week long.  After the party, we are heading to South Georgia to see MeMe, Big Daddy, Aunt Nat, Uncle Tom, Trey and Luke.  D found out today he doesn't have to go back to NYC next week, so we are taking advantage of the long weekend and hanging with family.  The kids were so excited when I told them before bed we were going to see MeMe and Big Daddy tomorrow.  I'm pretty excited too!

D just landed in Atlanta!  He will be home soon!!  Sweet relief...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

pool day

The kids were excited to wake up and spend the day at the pool with The A Team (Addy, Avery and Aidan).  And I was just as excited to hang with The A Team's mommas.  We spent 4 hours at the pool and mission accomplished: my kids were exhausted.  They had a great day; however, poor Love Bug left with 3 band aids on her left leg.  She fell and scraped her left knee in two places...and about 10 minutes later, she fell again and stubbed her big toe.  Poor girl took a beating today.  But she took it all in stride...and she was happy to show off her band aids and boo-boos.

After the pool, we ran through Publix and then came home to hunker down for the night.  The kids just lounged around, and after we ate breakfast for dinner, we played until bath time.  There was not one complaint when I made the announcement for bath and bed...they both eagerly went right upstairs.  I am pretty sure Love Bug was asleep about 6 seconds after I shut her door and The Mayor was almost asleep before we finished saying our prayers.

Tomorrow we hang with Bennett and Meega.  I am so excited!  We haven't played with Bennett in weeks...way too long.  Then D will be home Friday night...we are in the home stretch!

Love Bug and Avery

enjoying a cupcake after boo-boo's 1 & 2

boo-boo's 1, 2 & 3

lounging together watching a movie

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

day one...check

We survived day one of D traveling.  He flew out first thing this morning to NYC and the kids and I have tried to stay busy since.  We went to a park this morning, where I am proud to say my Love Bug held her own.  Two little boys were calling her a "baby" and were trying to get into her face (I was standing there the whole time and told myself I wouldn't intervene unless they touched her - they were 3 and 4 years old).  But she bowed up, pointed her finger in their face and said "no" very firmly.  She kept repeating it to them.  I said "you go girl!  You tell them!".  One of the boys tried to come over to her and talk to her and she put her foot on his stomach and pushed him away.  Ha!  I did tell her we weren't going to hit or kick but secretly, I was giving myself a high-five.  Proud of my peanut for sticking up for herself.

After the park, we ran a quick errand, came home for lunch and ran another errand.  While Love Bug napped, The Mayor and I chilled.  It was nice.  After dinner, we went outside to ride bikes and enjoy the gorgeous weather...we lasted about 35 minutes before the heavens opened up and now we are in a hail storm.  Again.  Third crazy storm in the past 3 nights.  Gotta love summers in Georgia.  We lost a small tree in our backyard in last night's storm.

Tomorrow we are spending all day at the pool with friends.  I can't wait.  The kids are so excited and I am thrilled to have our entire day accounted for and it will completely wipe them out.  We have a play date scheduled with Bennett and Meega later in the week and before we know it, D will be home Friday night.  I can't wait until this becomes our normal and we have a routine.

Gotta run and get the kids ready for bed!

watching the rain and hail fall

Sunday, May 20, 2012

fun day in the pools

We decided to blow up our two little inflatable pools and let the kids play in the backyard.  They had a blast bouncing from one pool to the next...and thank goodness we decided to stay close to home instead of loading up and heading to the neighborhood pool because the heavens decided to open up this afternoon.  We had torrential downpours this afternoon...who knew!?  It was gorgeous blue skies all day and then all of a sudden...boom!  Thunder, lightning and heavy rain.  Gotta love summer time!

It was a perfect, lazy Sunday afternoon.  The pool time wore the kids out and they were more than ready for bed; after they were asleep, we went to dinner with our awesome Sunday School leaders The Kings.  Their daughter stayed here while the kids slept and we got to enjoy a nice adult dinner.

Tomorrow is therapy day for The Mayor and then I am bound and determined to get this house cleaned from top to bottom.

turned on the sprayer...he wasn't expecting the cold water to shoot out.  So funny to see him run!

of course you wear goggles...inside...while pushing a baby doll stroller...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

the last day

On or around 180 days ago, The Mayor embarked on his first day of his 3 year old preschool year.  I was think of my sweet boy enjoying another preschool year with his friends and I could have some one-on-one time with my Love Bug.  This has been one heck of a roller coaster year and today it came to an end.

Just a few months ago, I could not wait to see May 17, 2012 get here.  I wanted nothing more than for this school year to be over.  And now I am sad to see it end.  A few months ago we were in such a dark place.  The Mayor gets kicked out of preschool, we end up with a Sensory Processing Disorder diagnosis and Occupational Therapy with a therapist The Mayor didn't like...and neither did I.

It is funny how God takes you through dark places so you can enjoy the bright ones all the more.  If he hadn't of been kicked out of preschool, we would have never found the perfect preschool for him.  He is where God wants him to be.  I mean one of his teachers has a child with SPD of her own.  If that isn't a sign from God The Mayor should be in this class...well, I don't know what is.  And to go from a preschool where I received daily reports on all the "bad" behavior my child did to a school where we have had one bad's huge.  And now he has a new OT whom he loves...he literally grabs her by the hand each week asking her if they can go "play".  He is happy, and successful and thriving.

D and I are so proud of The Mayor.  To see the progress he has made not only this past year but in the past month is amazing.  And I am so privileged and proud to be granted a front row seat.  He is a new boy.  He is happier and he is proud of himself.

It was bittersweet going in for the last time to pick up my boy in the 3 year old class.  The next time we walk into those doors will be for his PreK year and Love Bug's first year in preschool.  Oh the possibilities.  I wish I could make time stand still...but I can' for now I am going to bask in the glory of my children and enjoy seeing them grow...and mature...and love life.

The Mayor on his first day of school

The Mayor on his last day of school

with answer to prayer #1: Mrs. Alison 
(at his end of the year party)

with answer to prayer #2: Mrs. Susan 
(at his end of the year party)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

mother's day lunch and the half ironman

Another week has come and gone, and it has been a great week.

D is now officially working from home when he is in town, so he has been home all week and will be next week as well.  He still doesn't know when he will travel to NYC.  He left first thing yesterday morning to go to Panama City for the Half Ironman.  The race started this morning at 6:30, with his wave starting at 6:55 and I recently got a text from him...he is out of the water and on his bike.  I hate this race doesn't have live athlete tracking.  It is driving me insane.

Thursday, there was a Mother's Day lunch at The Mayor's school.  It was really sweet; the kids had made us place mats with their hand prints in the shape of a flower.  Once the mother's found where they were supposed to sit, the kids each made our plates (with the help of their teachers) and served us.  It was adorable.  The Mayor was so proud to put the food on the plate and bring it to me.  Then he sat down and said "ok mom, eat your strawberries...and don't forget to eat your salad.  Is it delicious mommy?"  I really do love him so much.

After we ate, we played a game of "who's mommy is this?".  Each child had painted a picture of what their mommy looked like and on the back was a questionnaire about that mommy.  I knew it was my picture when the question was "her favorite thing to do is" and the answer was "play trains".  That boy loves his trains.  I also love that when the question was "my mommy is __ years old" he put "7".  Ha!

The kids and I are enjoying a quiet weekend at home.  We miss D and I hate we are missing his race but we will still have a great weekend at home.  Tomorrow, we are going out to brunch with some other families in our Sunday School class for Mother's Day and hopefully D will be home shortly after that.

my place mat

waiting patiently in line to fix my plate

putting food on my plate

bringing me my plate

the proud artist with his painting of me

Monday, May 7, 2012

what a weekend

I had every intention of blogging throughout the weekend, but man, this weekend was just too awesome.  So here is the recap...will start at the beginning...

Saturday morning we woke the kids up around 6:45 so we could go to my 5K race.  Yes, you read that correctly.  MY stomach was in knots.  I wasn't ready.  And I was thinking of every excuse to try and get out of it...but I didn't want to be a quitter.  My husband is training for an IronMan for crying outloud...140.6 miles.  And I'm trying to get out of running 3.1 miles.  Lame.

The race started and I stuck to my pace.  Lots of people passed me but I then passed them later because they started too quickly.  I just stuck with slow and steady wins the race.  There were two girls in front of me with shirts that said "Good, Better, Best...Never Let It Rest.  Until your good is better and your better is best".  I just kept reading their shirts and when I was no longer behind them, I just kept repeating it to myself.  At the 1 1/2 mile mark, we came upon the water station where my sweet boy was holding a cup of water for me.  I almost cried while running.  It was a good little boost for me.  And when I got to the 2 1/2 mile point, D and the kids were standing on the sidewalk cheering me on.  The Mayor started running next to me (sadly, he kept passing me and would stop and wait for me).  My music was blaring in my ears but I could read his lips and he kept asking "mommy, are you tired?"  Was I ever.  But seeing their sweet faces helped me push through.  I didn't finish in any record time, but I did it.  And I ran more than I walked.  I walked about 1/2 mile (which was all uphill).  I am proud of myself.  
the best cheerleaders...ever

After the race and lunch, we headed home for naps.  And after naps, we took the kids to Mamie and PopPop's so they could spend the night and D and I could have a much needed date night.  D and I went to Buckhead and went out to one of the best restaurants and had one of the best meals I have ever had.  We had a lot to celebrate...D's birthday, his new job and Mother's Day.

Sunday morning, we picked the kids up and headed to church and then came home for naps.  After Love Bug woke up from nap, we took the kids to the pool.  Jackpot.  The kids had an absolute blast!  Love Bug told D "this is so fun" (she is getting quite the vocabulary).  We put a life vest on The Mayor...which took some coaxing because he didn't understand the vest would keep him afloat.  But after awhile, he would actually let me let go of him and then he would kick his feet and move his arms and "swim" to the side of the pool.  The look of pride on his face was priceless.  I am hopeful by summer's end, the life vest can come off and he will be able to swim to the side all by himself! 

need to get the kids some sunglasses...but I love her squinty face

he loves this floaty...before the life vest went on

drying off...squinty face

my loves

Today The Mayor had an amazing session with his OT.  We are seeing such is just crazy to think of how this school year started.  So happy we are ending on such a high note.  Hard to think he will be done with this school year in a couple of weeks.  But I am happy to see this chapter coming to an end and am excited of the amazing things to come.  I am ready for summer with my munchkins!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

happy birthday and guess who peed in the potty?

Today we celebrate D!  With his 38th birthday, I have now realized we are our parent's age.  I remember my parents turning 38...and thinking they were so old.  Ugh.  Not sure how we got to this age...but I don't feel old.  I constantly have to remind myself that college wasn't was almost 14 years ago!

The Mayor could not have been more excited for D's birthday.  We started the day with a phone call so The Mayor could wish his daddy a happy birthday.  Then we went shopping where The Mayor informed me "we have to get 2 presents for my boy".  Yes, he is now referring to his daddy as "his boy".  It. Is. Precious.  And when D is at work, The Mayor tells me he needs D to come home so there can be 2 boys.

While at the grocery store getting the ice cream sandwiches (D's request instead of birthday cake), I let the kids each pick a balloon to have inflated for D.  The Mayor chose a Thomas the Train balloon right off the bat.  Love Bug took a little more time deciding.  She stood there with her finger to her cheek and said "hmmmmm" while she thought long and hard.  She decided on the Lightning McQueen balloon.  I showed her a Mickey Mouse and Disney Princess balloon, but she said "no, Lightning".  So Lightning McQueen and Thomas balloons it was.

We meet D at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants for dinner and then came home for presents and ice cream sandwiches.

Dinner was delicious but the highlight was definitely the gifts.  The Mayor and Love Bug ran into the house and just stood at the table waiting for D to walk in.  They couldn't wait for him to open those gifts.  And of course The Mayor "helped" with the opening of the gifts.

The best part of the night...Love Bug peed in the potty!  And D and I both missed it!  Every night we put Love Bug on the potty so she can start getting used to it.  I was in The Mayor's bedroom helping him get ready for bed, and D was in Love Bug's room getting her PJs out when he walked into her bathroom and saw she had gone potty!!!  It was a fluke but still...our little girl is getting so big!  Hopefully soon she will start realizing when she has to we can kiss diapers good-bye forever!

The kids are asleep and D and I are going to enjoy a quiet, low-key evening.  Another great year down and I can't wait to see what the next year has in store.

Happy Birthday D...we love you!!

so excited! Waiting for D to walk in and open those gifts

barely got the door shut and had a gift in his hand

The Mayor "helping" open the gifts

showing off his new shades

The Mayor helping D hold up his new Georgia "G" for the basement

D and his sweets