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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

7 is heaven

Birthdays around here are affectionately called Birthday Hanukkahs because they go on for several days and nights...and this year was no exception.

Friday night we celebrated with just the four of us.  The Mayor chose Mexican as his meal of choice...again, no surprise there.  It was nice having a quiet meal before the fun chaos of the weekend started.

After the Saturday morning ride/run on the greenway, The Mayor and D brought donuts home for everyone to enjoy.  The afternoon flew by and before we knew it, The Mayor's friends were being dropped off and it was time for the birthday celebration to begin.  D and Love Bug were going to have a fun daddy/daughter night and The Mayor and I took off with his three best buddies.  We went to an indoor trampoline park for the boys to jump for two hours.  The boys had an amazing time but I learned a couple of lessons: 1.) don't take four 6-7 year old boys to an indoor trampoline park on a Saturday afternoon by yourself.  The park was too crowded for my liking especially since three of the four boys didn't belong to me.  Thankfully it cleared out after the first 30 minutes and I was able to relax a bit without worrying I was going to lose one in the crowd and 2.) two hours is a really long time to jump.  The plan was to go get pizza after we jumped, but they boys were too tired they wanted to just go home!  So instead of pizza, we ran to Five Guys and ate burgers and fries.  No lie: we were in and out in less than 20 minutes.  Those boys were ready to get home.

the boys jumping

love these boys...great friends

After a quick dinner, we came home to open presents, eat cookie cake and hang in the basement for movie night.  They did find a small second burst of energy and had pillow fights and wrestled around but believe it or not, those boys were soundly sleeping before 10:30.  Success!

Sunday morning everyone was up around 7:00 and we had breakfast, got dressed and headed to church where the sleepover officially ended.  After church was lunch and then home where the kids played with some friends for a few hours while I cleaned the house from the weekend.  At 5:00, my family came over for a little family celebration.  We kept it super and lots of fun playing with our cousins.  The weather was perfect so The Mayor, Love Bug, Bennett and Walker played outside, J and D got to enjoy football and Meega, PopPop and I got to visit.

Turning 7 is heaven...for The Mayor and all of us.  It was an amazing weekend!  We will still have one more family celebration when we get to see MeMe and Big Daddy!

the Sunday night family celebration

Saturday, October 25, 2014

the mayor is 7

Today The Mayor turns 7...eek!  I am 100% confident I say it every year, but 7 seems really old.  I still remember the day he was born so well and to think how far we have come in 7 years just boggles my mind.  This cutie lost two teeth and got eyeglasses for his 7th has been a big couple of weeks for him!

A few weeks ago in school, they did vision and hearing tests on the 1st graders.  I was surprised when The Mayor failed his vision test twice.  I chalked it up to lack of focus and playing around but decided I would take him to an actual eye doctor.  We were shocked to find out he is near-sighted with his vision being 20/60 and is red/green color blind!  We left with a prescription for glasses and came back several days later to pick them up.  I met him at the bus stop with his new glasses and when he put them on, his response was "wow!  I can see!!" I felt terribly guilty but all is well now and he loves his "seeing glasses".

The Mayor and Love Bug both tested for their new karate belts last week.  Love Bug is a Tiny Tiger blue belt and The Mayor is a big kid/adult orange belt!  D and I tested as well since we started and we are both orange belts too.  The family that kicks together sticks together :)

Last week The Mayor finished up his soccer scoring his first goal of the season and the only goal of the game.  Our team won 1-0!  I was the obnoxious soccer mom screaming for him...the look of pride on his face was priceless...all season he has struggled with offense so he has played defense.  He is great at protecting the goal but not overly aggressive when it came to scoring.  Well, last Saturday was his time and he scored.  It was amazing...I only wish I had captured it on video but I know I won't forget it.

This morning The Mayor and D went to the greenway for The Mayor to ride his bike and D to run.  They went 5 miles!  Pretty impressive.

D completed his second Ironman a few weeks ago!  It was amazing and I am beyond proud of his accomplishments.  A lot of blood, sweat and tears went into preparation for that race and I cried tears of joy when he crossed that finish line.  I love watching D race!

This afternoon The Mayor's three best buds are coming over and we are going to hit an indoor trampoline park, have dinner then come back for a movie and sleepover.  D and Love Bug will have a special daddy/daughter date night.  It is going to be a great night but I am pretty certain we will all be exhausted tomorrow.

birthday celebration in The Mayor's class...lots of October birthdays!

my sweet 7 year old...sporting his new glasses