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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

lunch date

This morning was the first day I volunteered in The Mayor's class.  I have signed up to be in his class every other Wednesday from 9:30-11:00 during their literacy block.  The second I walked into his classroom my sweet boy jumped up and hugged me, told me he missed me and that he loved me.  If only he will always act like this when I walk into a room...

Anyway, he was so happy I was in his class and did amazing.  I was really proud of how well he followed directions and understood the work sheet I was doing with the class.  He took his time and got all of his answers correct.  After the literacy block was over, he asked if I would stay and have lunch with him.  He loved getting to sit on stage with me and we talked about his day, his friends and what he would be doing the rest of the day.  I am so happy and blessed to be able to stay home so I can easily volunteer in the class and eat lunch with him.

my handsome lunch date

After the kids came home from school, I immediately put them down for a quick nap because Awanas and choir were starting tonight at church.  We had one hour from The Mayor getting off the bus until we had to leave so it was a super fast nap for him (Love Bug's was a little longer since she gets home about an hour before he does) and neither one of them wanted to wake up.  Somehow I got us out the door and into church only a couple of minutes after 4:00.  Thankfully a dear friend is the assistant teacher in The Mayor's class so I knew he was in good hands and her report this afternoon was that The Mayor did great!  Love Bug's teacher is super sweet (she was The Mayor's lead VBS teacher this summer) and after a little coaxing and luckily running into her favorite Sunday School teacher in the hall, she became excited about going into her class.  I signed both kids up for choir this year and they both seemed to love it.  The Mayor said all the singing and dancing made him tired and thirsty but he said he had a great time.  Another friend of mine was teaching Love Bug's choir so she sent me a picture and she looks to be loving it!

Tomorrow D will be home late since he and people from his company are running a corporate 5K downtown tomorrow evening.  But thankfully that will lead us into Friday and into our weekend.  We have lots of fun plans...Friday night is Spirit Night at our high school for all of the elementary school kids.  Saturday D and I are going to a friend's house to watch the Bama/Texas A&M game during the afternoon and then coming home and taking the kids to our neighborhood's Screen on the Green.  There will be a DJ from 7:30-8:30 and then at 8:30 they are showing "Despicable Me".  The kids think it is just the coolest thing that we will be watching a movie outside.  Sunday is church and tennis...and cooler temperatures!

Love Bug in her choir class

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