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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

the mayor turns 6

On Friday we celebrated the big day...The Mayor's 6th birthday!  I can not believe my baby is 6.

All week we had a countdown to the birthday...and the day started out great.  D and I decorated the breakfast nook with a banner and crepe paper so when The Mayor woke up, he had a decorated seat to sit in.  He requested donuts for his birthday breakfast and then it was off to school.  While at school, he was on the morning news where he got to say his name, his teacher and how old he was turning.  I hate we weren't able to see it.

D and I surprised him and showed up to eat lunch with him.  It was a fun break in the day where D and I were able to spend some quality time with The Mayor.  After lunch, I went home to finish up the last details before his birthday party that afternoon.  Luckily we were having it at our favorite indoor bouncy house place and it was just for his friends so it was actually pretty low-key and easy in regards to the planning.

Shortly after we got The Mayor off the bus, we got him dressed, loaded up and headed to his birthday party.  It was a great turn out filled with his friends who have been a part of his life for years.  He loved playing and celebrating with them all.  They played hard, enjoyed pizza and cupcakes and before we knew it, the party was over and it was time to come home.  D and I loaded up two very tired kids into the car and brought them home.  Of course, as soon as we walked into the house, The Mayor perked up and was ready to open all his presents.  Once again, he racked up and loved all of his new toys.  We let them play for a bit before it was time for baths and bed.  About 30 minutes after they were asleep, MeMe and Big Daddy arrived.

the birthday breakfast nook

The Mayor and his buddies

jumping and sliding

one happy, one sweaty birthday boy

The Mayor and his buddy Nicholas

so excited

blowing out his candle

we love this boy

Meega and her birthday they share a birthday...makes it extra special

loves his new toys

Saturday morning The Mayor and Love Bug woke up to grandparents in the house.  Nothing better than that!  After a quick breakfast, we went out shopping for winter clothes for the kids.  They are growing like weeds and unfortunately when kids are this young, they grow so quickly that last year's winter clothes do not carry over to the following year.  An unexpected cold snap forced us to get some shopping done.

After shopping and lunch, we came home to get ready for party #2.  Saturday night was the family party and The Mayor could not wait to celebrate again.  It was nice being at home, ordering pizza and just playing and hanging out with our cousins and family.  The kids had a blast playing with the new toys and we let the kids make ice cream sundaes instead of doing another cake.  No one was disappointed!

blowing out his candle on his ice cream sundae

so excited to open more gifts

sweet Bennett overseeing the opening of gifts

best moment of the night: with unbelievable enthusiasm, he opened this gift.  He said (very loudly and excitedly) "oooh mmmyyyy goooooodness!" We asked "what is it?" and he said "I have no idea".  I love his sweet heart...had no idea what the gift was but was still so appreciative and excited

Meega being silly with her Love Bug

my dear friend Sue with The Mayor

PopPop and Love Bug

my hearts...I love, love, love these sweets

Sunday was a day to relax.  After a whirlwind weekend filled with celebrating, we needed a day just to kick back and relax.  We are still trying to catch up (or at least I is exhausting having birthday parties...even if they are low-key), toys are everywhere and I have about 30 loads of laundry to get to.  But it was completely worth it...and I can't believe the weekend has already come and gone.  We have Halloween to look forward to this week and then November and Thanksgiving plans will be right around the corner.  I can't believe my boy is 6.  I can't wait to see what this year has in store for him.

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