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Saturday, June 30, 2012


Today we celebrated Aunt Jennifer and sweet baby Elizabeth Louise (due in September).  We had so much fun celebrating, eating delicious food and catching up with some old friends.  But the best part was the cousins getting to play together.  The Mayor and Love Bug get to play with Bennett all of the time but we rarely get to see cousin Sydney.  And Love Bug was so excited to have her one and only girl cousin here to play with...don't get me wrong, Love Bug loves The Mayor and Bennett and plays so well with them, but she really enjoyed having some girl time.  And I am pretty sure Sydney loved playing with Love Bug too.

After the baby shower and naps, we went to Mamie and PopPop's for dinner.  It was the first time in 2 years that all 5 of us kids (Meega, Aunt Amy, Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Sloan and me) were under the same roof.  We absolutely couldn't miss it.  And the kids had a blast playing together.  It was great seeing all 4 cousins running around and giggling together.  I am sad I forgot my camera so the only pictures I have are from the shower (and Bennett wasn't there), but I am pretty sure I will never forget the memory of those 4 little sweets running races and laughing together.

We have had records high in Atlanta the past several days.  Today it got up to 106.  It is torture being outside...thankfully some rain is supposed to come in next week and temperatures should go down...some...but any relief is relief.  We are going to have to start getting creative in keeping the kids busy and occupied...and cool.

Aunt Jennifer

the hostesses with Aunt Jennifer

sweet Love Bug and Sydney

Monday, June 25, 2012

another tri

I am really falling behind on my blogging...which really isn't like me, but this summer is kicking my butt.  I am struggling with finding ways to keep two active kids at the end of the day, blogging is not really what I want to do.  But the main reason I blog is so the kids can read this 30 years from now and know what we were doing...

Father's Day came and went.  The kids made a canvas for their daddy with their handprints and fingerprints.  They LOVED making this.  And D loves displaying it in his office.

D had another triathlon yesterday at Lake Allatoona.  It was a sprint triathlon so he finished in 1:29:22 and came in 14th in his age group.  And considering he is currently smack in the middle of the hardest age group you can be in, 14th place is down right awesome.  We are so proud of him.  

The kids had a blast cheering on their daddy and we enjoyed a day hanging with friends while they raced.  
D and our friend Gary...this was Gary's first triathlon

D, Gary and D's friend Bart

We have play dates scheduled for this week...most of which will hopefully be inside.  It is going to be a hot one in Atlanta...highs on Friday are 96.  Summer is definitely here!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

22 years ago

It is still so difficult to think that 22 years ago today, my Mom lost her battle with cancer at the age of 38.  I still remember that day like it happened yesterday.  Tuesday, June 19, 1990 at 5:19AM in bed #4 of the Cardiac Care Unit at MCV Hospital is when she drew her last breath.  Meega, PopPop and I were standing by her side.  I can't remember what I ate for dinner yesterday, but I will never forget that day.

The pain isn't like it was 22 years ago.  But I still cry.  Selfish tears.  I cry for my husband and children never getting to know her.  I cry for my mom never getting to know them.  I cry because no one that I actively speak to ever knew my mother.  I cry because I have lived in Georgia for longer than any other place or state in my entire life and not one of those days did my mother live here with us.  I cry because we have gone on to live a lifetime's worth of memories without her here on Earth.

I rejoice because she is in Heaven with our Heavenly Father.  I rejoice because she fulfilled her purpose on this Earth and was rewarded with an eternity of joy, happiness, tears, no cancer, no pain.  I rejoice because one day my husband and children will get to know her.

I've said it before...but when I was a kid 38 seemed old.  I never understood when people said "wow, she died so young"  But since 38 for me is only 2 years and 1 month away, I realize just how young she was and just how much life on Earth she missed.

I would give anything to hear her voice or smell her perfume.  All the things that 22 years later you forget.  Memories have turned to fragments.  And I cry because the older I get, the farther away those memories become.  But she lives on in me and Meega and The Mayor, Love Bug, Bennett and little baby Brock who will grace this world next month.

I love you so much mom and miss you.  Until that day when we see each other again...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

we are those people...

...who let their kids run around the yard in their underwear.  After dinner, we went outside to play and enjoy this awesome weather and D decided to turn the sprinklers on.  We told the kids they could run through the water if they wanted, but The Mayor just couldn't wrap his mind around the fact he could get wet while wearing his clothes.  So he stripped right in the middle of the driveway.  At what age will this be inappropriate?  I'm sure we have time before we are there...

Love Bug loved letting the water spray against her hand, and The Mayor loved screaming when he got wet.  As much as my kids love the pool, it is crazy to think how much they scream when a sprinkler is on.

They really enjoyed moving the sprinkler heads and trying to get me wet.

The Mayor had another great day at VBS.  So proud of him.  Tomorrow is day 3, and if all goes well, we will head to the pool afterwards.  That should really wear them out.

Monday, June 11, 2012

daddy's little helpers

We decided to have breakfast for dinner tonight, so I had to run to the store to pick up more syrup.  When I came home, both kids were standing on chairs helping D cook dinner.  They were both so proud and were sharing tasks with no fighting.  Miracles do happen!

helping stir the batter

so proud

tasting the batter he helped make

Today was an amazing day.  The Mayor had his first day of Vacation Bible School at a local church.  I was nervous.  We have never been to this church and we know nobody there.  Our friends Addy and Avery were going but they are a year younger and a year older than The Mayor so they wouldn't be in the same class.  It was a little chaotic when we first got there...all of these kids and their parents getting them checked in and taking them to the correct places.  The Mayor had a little bit of a "deer in headlights" look to his face.  When I dropped him off in the chapel with his class, he asked if I could stay and sit with him. Every fiber inside of me wanted to say yes, but I told him he was going to have a great day and I would be back soon.  

When I arrived to pick him up, the parents were instructed to go to the gym.  The teachers would bring their class down there.  I walked in to see The Mayor sitting in line with his class, and he was sitting quietly and calmly.  I was just so proud of him!  He wasn't rolling around, of flailing around, or messing with other kids.  He was calm and quiet.  He has just made so much progress this year.  I just love seeing him grow and mature.  He has always made us proud but I know he is working so hard and I just love him so much.

His teacher said he had a great day and The Mayor agreed.  He loved playing with the toys and it turns out a friend of his, Emersyn, ended up being in his class.  So it helped he had a familiar face in there.

Tomorrow is another day and I am prayerful he will be just as successful.

making silly faces

he cracks me up!

I just love his personality

Thursday, June 7, 2012

the baby shower

Sunday we celebrated our new nephew/cousin who will grace us with his presence sometime in July.  Meega and her closest friends and family gathered at our house and we laughed, told stories and ate some yummy food.  I can't wait to meet this sweet little peanut...and since he is due one week after my birthday, I am hoping he comes exactly one week early.  Which is only fair since The Mayor and Meega share a birthday...shouldn't I share a birthday with one of my nephews?  I'm not asking for that much here!

We have had a pretty great week.  We have stayed busy with play dates, trips to the pool and on Friday, I am taking the kids to the lake with some friends.  The kids have never been to the lake, but I am excited since there is a sandy beach and the kids can build sand castles and play with their beach toys.  In fact, The Mayor keeps saying we are going to the beach.  That boy is eager to get to the beach...we really need to plan a beach trip this summer.  He asks almost everyday if we are going to the beach.

Summer is officially here and it is proving that we will run like a fine-oiled machine the busier we stay.  Next week The Mayor goes to VBS at a local church.  He has never been to this church and he won't know anyone there (a few of our friends are going too, but the kids are all different ages so they won't be in the same class), but it is a test to see how he does with transitions in such a new environment.  His OT thinks it's a great idea...VBS is free, so if it is a bust, nothing is lost.  And it will give him 5 mornings in a row of fun activity and Love Bug and I will get some fun one-on-one time together.

Today is errand running day.  I have had a list for Target sitting on the counter all week, and today we go shopping.  We will also enjoy some outdoor play...the weather has been amazing this past week.  Highs in the 70s...gorgeous!  If only this entire summer could be so mild...I'll take it while I can get it!

Meega and her pregnant friend Stefani...they couldn't hug because their bellies were in the cute are they?!

love...Love Bug loves to lay her head on her brother's shoulder