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Thursday, May 17, 2012

the last day

On or around 180 days ago, The Mayor embarked on his first day of his 3 year old preschool year.  I was think of my sweet boy enjoying another preschool year with his friends and I could have some one-on-one time with my Love Bug.  This has been one heck of a roller coaster year and today it came to an end.

Just a few months ago, I could not wait to see May 17, 2012 get here.  I wanted nothing more than for this school year to be over.  And now I am sad to see it end.  A few months ago we were in such a dark place.  The Mayor gets kicked out of preschool, we end up with a Sensory Processing Disorder diagnosis and Occupational Therapy with a therapist The Mayor didn't like...and neither did I.

It is funny how God takes you through dark places so you can enjoy the bright ones all the more.  If he hadn't of been kicked out of preschool, we would have never found the perfect preschool for him.  He is where God wants him to be.  I mean one of his teachers has a child with SPD of her own.  If that isn't a sign from God The Mayor should be in this class...well, I don't know what is.  And to go from a preschool where I received daily reports on all the "bad" behavior my child did to a school where we have had one bad's huge.  And now he has a new OT whom he loves...he literally grabs her by the hand each week asking her if they can go "play".  He is happy, and successful and thriving.

D and I are so proud of The Mayor.  To see the progress he has made not only this past year but in the past month is amazing.  And I am so privileged and proud to be granted a front row seat.  He is a new boy.  He is happier and he is proud of himself.

It was bittersweet going in for the last time to pick up my boy in the 3 year old class.  The next time we walk into those doors will be for his PreK year and Love Bug's first year in preschool.  Oh the possibilities.  I wish I could make time stand still...but I can' for now I am going to bask in the glory of my children and enjoy seeing them grow...and mature...and love life.

The Mayor on his first day of school

The Mayor on his last day of school

with answer to prayer #1: Mrs. Alison 
(at his end of the year party)

with answer to prayer #2: Mrs. Susan 
(at his end of the year party)

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