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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

storybook lane

Today was Storybook Lane at the kids' preschool.  The Mayor's class was doing Cat in the Hat and Love Bug's class was Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?  The Mayor's class made their own hats and bow ties.  They were adorable and The Mayor immediately spotted us in the gym.  He was so proud that D was able to be there.  He kept waving at us and saying "hi".  It was so precious.  And we were so proud that he actually wore the hat and especially the collar around his neck.  We made a big deal about that one with him at his class party.  Very proud of our boy!

Love Bug was dressed as the yellow duck from her storybook.  She looked so adorable with her yellow shirt (that I had to buy last night at Target since she doesn't have a yellow shirt) and the homemade hat her teacher's made.  She was so excited to be walking until she spotted us.  Mainly D.  Once she saw her daddy she ran over to him and started crying when her teachers and I tried to get her back into line for the parade.  Daddy trumped the parade and she wasn't leaving his side.  D and I were so shocked...Love Bug usually isn't so sensitive and unwilling to participate...but D admitted he loved that his girl only wanted him.  Such a daddy's girl.

After the parade, we headed back to Love Bug's classroom where the teacher's read the book and the kids made the animal sound they were dressed as.  Love Bug proudly stood and said her "quack quack".  After her part of the book, I snuck out to head to The Mayor's class party.  They were eating cookies and drinking chocolate milk.  A few minutes later, D showed up and The Mayor was so proud his daddy was there.  It was a great day.

The weather was gorgeous today...almost hit 70 degrees today.  The Mayor spent over an hour playing on his playground and then another hour outside riding his bike while Love Bug napped.  I hate she missed the outside playtime but that girl needed her nap.

On an unrelated but very exciting note, we are making huge strides with The Mayor's eating.  Food has long been an issue with him...some of it sensory based, some of it just picky toddler.  But the past few weeks, especially this week, he has really broadened his diet.  He eats an apple almost every day (per his request), he eats applesauce everyday at lunch (we used to have to spoon-feed it to him while he would cover his ears and gag (covering his ears is weird but it is something he does when he is eating something he doesn't like)), last night he ate baked chicken, sweet potato and broccoli!  The past two Taco Tuesdays, he has actually eaten a taco.  Meat is usually an issue but he has eaten it!  And the biggest kicker is his request for carrots!  Not the mini-carrots already in the bag, but he asked me to buy the whole carrots while we were at the store the other day.  They were only 89 cents so I went for it.  Today he asked to have a carrot for snack (shock!) and he ate almost the whole carrot with some ranch dip.  He also doesn't put up nearly the fight he used to when it came to trying new foods.  I am loving this corner we have turned!

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