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Saturday, March 30, 2013

an Easter stomach bug

D and I woke up at midnight to a crying boy.  The Mayor was crying because he had just vomited (luckily in the toilet) and then got sick 3 more times.  Thankfully, we still had Zofran from the stomach virus he had over Christmas break.  A dose of Zofran did the trick and the vomiting stopped.  D and I took turns sleeping in The Mayor's room with him but he never slept peacefully for the rest of the night.  He tossed and turned until morning.

We had an Easter egg hunt this morning at our Sunday School teacher's house.  They were hosting the entire class and all our kids.  Unfortunately, The Mayor and D had to stay home due to his stomach virus, but Love Bug and I went.  It was fun; they split the kids into 3 groups based off their ages and then we had a pot luck lunch around their pool.  The weather was amazing.  Sunny and in the 60s.  We stayed until after lunch and headed home.  The Mayor had spiked a fever and spent the morning and afternoon cuddling with D and me, but he did have enough energy to dye some eggs.  The kids did a great job this year; they each dyed a dozen.  Around 2:30, The Mayor said he was tired and actually said he wanted to take a nap.  I had to wake him at 5:15 and he still had a fever of 101.4.  His appetite was pretty non-existent; he spent the day nibbling on Saltines and drinking Gatorade mixed with water.  At 7:15 tonight, he told me it was time for him to go to bed.  That is one sick boy if he is agreeing to take a nap and telling me when it is time to go to bed.

We will be missing church tomorrow morning and have postponed our family Easter dinner with PopPop, Mamie, Meega, J, Bennett and Walker until later in the week.  We will have an Easter egg hunt in the backyard for Love Bug and The Mayor in the morning and depending on how he feels, we will load them up in the stroller and go on a walk.  Maybe some fresh air will do him some good.  Instead of an Easter ham, we will be grilling out.  We will save the ham for the family dinner.  This isn't how I envisioned our Easter being but we will all be together so that's all that matters.

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