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Sunday, September 20, 2009

date night

I know, date night, so exciting! But only if it had been for me and daddy. Nope, it was date night for The Mayor. Friday night we had our good friends come over and their precious daughter, Emersyn. They played well together, shared their food, tried to share their sippy cups, sat together on the couch and The Mayor even leaned in for a kiss! Of course, all the while the parents are egging it on and taking pictures. So cute when they are under two years old. Now when they are 15, it will be a different story. They will be locked in separate rooms!

The rain never left this weekend, so we found lots of ways to entertain ourselves indoors. Did some shopping for some new work clothes for daddy, cheered on the Dawgs (whew, close one) and played in almost every room of the house trying to pass the time.

Now that The Mayor is learning to ride his tricycle and his mini four-wheeler, I thought it only appropriate that a bicycle helmet be purchased. If his walking skills are any indication of how he will be on a motorized vehicle, trust me, the head protection is a must! He loved it, kept checking out his reflection in the oven door and walked around with it on in the house. Now the next test will be using it in the great outdoors. Fingers crossed!

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