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Sunday, April 3, 2011


Yesterday we went to Chattanooga to have Love Bug's one year pictures taken. Our fantastic photographer now lives in Knoxville so when our schedules don't line up when she comes to Atlanta, we meet in Chattanooga. The weather could not have been more perfect. Blue skies and sunny. It was a tad bit windy, but she found some great spots where she could take pictures and the wind wasn't an issue.

After the photo session, we enjoyed the awesome weather and fabulous downtown Chattanooga by walking around, eating lunch, treating the kids to ice cream, taking in the sites, walking down by the river and taking The Mayor to see the Chattanooga Choo-Choo. I didn't bring my camera so I don't have any pictures but I don't think I will ever forget the look on The Mayor's face when he saw that big train. He was beyond excited and kept saying "Mom, look! It's a big train". He said this no less than a dozen times and when we bought him a train from the gift shop, he repeated "thank you momma, you got the train" randomly throughout the 2 hour drive home.

It was the perfect spring day. One that I hated to see end. The kids were in a great mood, the weather was perfect and everyone enjoyed just being outside.

And because I don't want to ever forget...a funny potty-training The Mayor story. The Mayor is a master at peeing in the potty. He doesn't have any accidents when it comes to peeing. But pooping...geez...totally another story. I am beginning to wonder if he will ever poop in the potty. He has gotten to the point where he will just hold it until he is in his nighttime diaper and then poop. On Friday, The Mayor apparently needed to poop and couldn't wait until bedtime, so he asked D to change him into a diaper and his PJs (apparently he thinks he can't poop in just the diaper, but the PJs must be on too). So D changed The Mayor, The Mayor immediately went to the corner, pooped and then asked D to change his diaper. About 5 minutes after D changed his diaper, The Mayor came over to D and said "thank you daddy for changing my diaper. Thank you for cleaning my hiney".

Yesterday, after we got home from Chattanooga, The Mayor asked to get into a diaper and his PJs. It was almost bedtime, so I changed him. The second I pulled up his PJ pants, The Mayor walked over to the window, grabbed onto the window sill, and started pooping. The Mayor tooted and said "oops, excuse me" and I asked him if he was done and he said no. Then The Mayor looked at me and said "mom, listen to me. Do NOT eat poopie. Yuck" Let me preface this by saying The Mayor has never once attempted to eat poop. We have never told him do not eat poop. We are just thankful it is a given in our house and our kids know not to eat poop (or play in it either). So I am not sure where this came from...but thanks buddy, I now know not to eat poopie. Yuck.

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