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Thursday, July 14, 2011

cars 2

D and I took The Mayor to see his first movie in a movie theater this morning. We had been planning for months for Cars 2 to be his first movie. Because he loves the original Cars so much, we knew he would be at the perfect age to sit in the theater and be engaged in the movie when the new Cars 2 came out. Meega watched Love Bug for us, and we rolled into the movie theater for the 11:15 showing with one excited boy.

Before we actually got to the theater, we went to the drug store to get some candy. What is a movie without some candy? After we bought our tickets, we stood in line to get our popcorn and Icees. The Mayor was set with his small popcorn, white cherry Icee, Skittles and M&Ms. That is what I call a lunch.

He. Was. Perfect. He sat in his seat during all the previews and the entire movie. He only spoke once when he said "dad, look, look, it's Lightning McQueen. It's Lightning McQueen". He barely made a dent in his popcorn or M&Ms because he was so enthralled with the movie. He did, however, manage to do some serious damage on the bag of Skittles...that's my boy. It is hard to tell who had more fun, The Mayor or me and D. We loved seeing this experience through his eyes. How exciting it must have been for him to see that huge movie screen, sit in that big chair and have all of that food...just for him. It was an awesome day.

We just bathed the kids and are getting ready to put them down for the night and then it is laundry and packing duty for me and D. Tomorrow morning, we pull out for South Georgia. Can't wait.

checking out the movie display

waiting for the movie to start

*I left my camera at home so I had to use my iPhone. The flash on the iPhone could light up the is blinding. Thus the crazy tint on the pictures of us in the actual theater.

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