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Saturday, July 9, 2011

happy birthday sydney

We woke the kids up before 7AM this morning and headed up to Charlotte, NC to celebrate cousin Sydney's 2nd birthday! We left the house at 7:23 and with a 15 minute stop at a Panera somewhere in South Carolina (so The Mayor could use the potty and I could get a coffee) we rolled into the party exactly 1 minute after the start time...11:01. I was pretty proud of us.

I am so happy we ventured up to Charlotte. It was awesome seeing the cousins play together. We don't get to see Sydney nearly enough, but when we do, the kids love playing together. Meega, J and Bennett were there too, so it was great seeing all 4 cousins together. They haven't all been together since Thanksgiving (which is just way too long. It would have been at Love Bug's birthday but Bennett was sick). Aunt Amy rented a bouncy house and that soaked up all of that pent up energy The Mayor had from the 3 1/2 hour car ride. After 4 hours of serious playtime (and I mean serious, check out the sweaty hair on The Mayor and Sydney...they don't mess around when it comes to playing) that boy was slap wore out. He didn't even make it the 20 minutes in the car ride to dinner before he passed out.

Mamie and PopPop were also there so it was fantastic having the family together. And I am really loving this stage we are in right now. The Mayor is at the age where he doesn't need to be constantly monitored so when he wanted to go play in the bouncy house, he could go and do it on his own. And Miss Love Bug will not venture out of your sight, so you can literally leave her in one spot and she won't leave our sight. And you know what happens once I brag on my tomorrow I am sure all hell will break loose...but seriously, we had a great time today.

After dinner in downtown Charlotte, we loaded back up in the car and headed back home to Atlanta. We rolled into the driveway at 8:30 and the kids were asleep by 8:35. They are exhausted (and so are we) but it was worth every single second of today.

Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet Sydney! We are so happy we got to celebrate with you!

the birthday girl

The Mayor and Sydney bouncing together...they did this for hours

my boy Bennett

one happy girl

Sydney and Aunt Amy opening gifts (notice how sweaty Sydney's hair is!)

the boy loves him some cake (notice how sweaty his hair is!)

best buddies

worn out...a great day!

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