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Monday, March 26, 2012


Well, Miss Love Bug has had quite the reaction to the pollen in the air and all of that has now turned into a nasty case of sinusitis.  After a trip to the pediatrician and a prescription for some medicine to clear up the drainage and her goopy watery eyes, hopefully she will be an all new little girl.

The Mayor had another successful day at his OT.  I am just so happy and relieved this new OT is in his life.  He just seems much more comfortable with her.  What a huge blessing she has been.

Tomorrow is The Mayor's Easter Egg Hunt and class Easter party.  I just made the Rice Krispie bunny cake for the party...I hope the kids like it!

1 comment:

  1. Glad that little miss will be all cleared up soon! I may have to steal your rice krispie bunny cake idea..I am signed up to bring a cake to Aidan's Easter party at school on Thursday :)
