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Thursday, March 15, 2012

donuts with dad

One of the things I love about The Mayor's new preschool is the way they have events that celebrate the family.  Today was donuts with dad.  D got to take The Mayor to school at 9 and then for the next hour they celebrated dads and granddads.  Over the past couple of weeks, each child made a few special gifts for their dad and today the kids gave them to their dads.  One of the gifts was a painting each child did of their dad with a questionnaire the child filled out and then the dads had to guess which painting was theirs based off of the answers to the questions.  They also made ties for the dads to wear to the breakfast and my favorite gift was D's handprint with The Mayor's handprint laid on top.  The teachers framed that one for us.  Love!

After the breakfast, D and the other dads left and the kids went into the chapel for an Exotic Animal Show.  The show lasted 90 minutes (which I think is insane for preschool aged kids).  But his teacher said The Mayor did an amazing job!  He sat there for an hour before he started getting a little fidgety and then he asked to sit in his teachers lap.  He sat with her for the last 30 minutes.

D went to pick up The Mayor and because he got there a little early, one of his teachers asked D if he wanted to read some stories to the kids.  How cute is that?  I only wish I had pictures of D reading to the kids and them surrounding him.  He said the kids were so excited that a dad was there reading they were practically sitting on top of him.

The Mayor's teacher called me at home today to tell me again what a great day The Mayor had. She said we really needed to brag on him and tell him how proud we were of him because he just did amazing...especially with the changes to their normal schedule with dads being there and the 90 minute animal show.  We already had made a big deal about it when he got home from school but after the call we just continued...we even let him pick dinner.  Pancakes and bacon.  Yum!

The Mayor's weighted blanket arrived late this afternoon.  I am so eager to see how it helps at night with his sleep.  And if this afternoon is any indication, it is going to work wonders.  He has been cuddled under that blanket ever since the UPS man delivered it.  So far he loves it.

Tomorrow we are going to the playground to play with one of The Mayor's buddies...assuming the rain moves out.

the framed handprints

D's tie...decorated by The Mayor

the theme of the breakfast was "Dads are Top Dogs" so they made their handprints into dogs with this cute poem

The Mayor painted this portrait of his daddy

these are The Mayor's responses to the questions about D

D and his tie

The Mayor relaxing under his weighted blanket

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