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Saturday, August 18, 2012

one crazy week

You would think since we are still in summer mode around here that life would be pretty easy.  But this week has been one crazy week.  I'm not sure why, but this week was just jammed packed with stuff.  I guess we need to get used to it because in a week and a half, we are going to be in for a rude awakening.  No more laid back living...we will be busy bees until next summer.

Last night The Mayor and Love Bug spent the night at Mamie and PopPop's.  It was a last minute thing since D's CEO called that afternoon and asked us to go to dinner.  Thankfully we have family so close to help us in a bind.  The kids were thrilled to be spending the night and D and I got to enjoy a date night.  Mamie and PopPop took the kids to a friend's stable and they were mesmerized by the animals they got to see and help feed.  They saw horses and a pig but apparently the baby kittens were the big hit.

I picked the kids up after breakfast this morning and after some errands and lunch, we went to a birthday party.  It was for Emma and it was a rockstar party theme.  Thankfully Aidan was there because The Mayor and Aidan were the only boys at the party.  Love Bug loved seeing all the big girls play and dance around and I wish I could say The Mayor had a great time but he was not in the best mood.  I think he was exhausted from the slumber party at PopPop and Mamie's and he ended up falling asleep in the car 20 minutes before the party started.  That catnap did not really give him more kind of had the opposite effect.  He was so whiny.  But at the end of the party, the kids went outside and blew bubbles and that brightened his mood.  Thank goodness!

We came home for much needed rest time.  Since The Mayor wasn't in a great mood and Love Bug missed her nap because of the party, we really needed some downtime.  Cars 2 went into the DVD player and once that was over, it was dinner time.  After dinner we went outside to ride bikes and then it was baths and bed.  The kids were both asleep about 5 minutes after their lights were turned out.

Tomorrow is church and then more play time.  This week is our last full week of summer and the start of The Mayor's speech therapy.  He will be going twice a week and I am so thankful we start speech therapy the week before PreK.  I am worried about his jam-packed schedule for this school year so I am happy we can introduce new things in stages.

checking out the big girls dancing

taking it all in


Aidan and The Mayor enjoying some yummy cake

Love Bug 

1 comment:

  1. We have had pretty good luck with speech therapy. Colby has 'verbal apraxia'. Right now he goes privately, but is about to get picked up for special ed services through our public schools as he is old enough finally. :) I have noticed a huge difference with therapy, but it can be tedious too. LMK how it goes for you guys. Hey I am going to be in Atl the first week in November for 5 days!!! :) Hope we can meet up. xoxo
