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Thursday, May 23, 2013

the mayor's graduation

Today was the day I had been dreading for the past year month.  The PreK graduation.  I started tearing up in the carpool line because I realized it would be the last time I would be dropping him off at preschool...ever.  After drop off, we headed into the sanctuary to wait for the graduation to begin.  Meega, Bennett, Walker, PopPop, Aunt Nat, Trey and Luke all came to watch the graduation.  

Graduation was so adorable and really well run.  Each class stood in the back and were called one by one to walk down the aisle to the front to receive their Bibles (their "diplomas" came home with them yesterday).  Then each class stood at the front so the parents could take pictures of the entire class, then that class would leave the stage and the next class would do the same.  Once all the classes were "graduated", the kids came back into the sanctuary and sang 5 songs.

After the ceremony, we went back into the classroom for a reception of cake and punch.  The teachers presented the kids with their ABC book (each week they worked on creating a picture that started with the letter of the week and their handwriting of that letter - it's awesome to see how their handwriting progresses over the course of the year) and a memory book with pictures of the kids from each month of the school year.  The Mayor didn't change as much as Love Bug over the course of the year, but you can definitely tell a difference in him.

It was a pretty emotional day...for me.  Preschool was a roller coaster ride which was really stressful at times.  And as painful and emotional as it was some of the time, I really wouldn't change anything about our experience.  It lead us to The Mayor getting his diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder and receiving OT much earlier than we would have had he not been in preschool.  And The Mayor of today is world's different than The Mayor from even the beginning of this year.  Today was really emotional for me because it honestly was a day we weren't sure we would ever see.  We are so proud of the accomplishments he has made in such a short period of time.  And kindergarten doesn't panic me like it did back in August.  I am actually excited for him.  But I am happy I have him home with me for 2 months.  No need to rush it!

about to walk down the aisle

his class

singing "America The Beautiful"

waving to us

The Mayor and his awesome teachers

Mamie and PopPop gave him a throwing trainer...he really likes it :)

the graduate and Aunt Nat

the graduate with Luke and Trey

the graduate with PopPop and Mamie

the happy parents with their graduate

J, Meega, Bennett and Walker with the graduate

Mamie and Love Bug

someone needs to teach this one how to eat

our monkey in a cage

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