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Monday, March 29, 2010

yippee! we survived!

YAY! Day 1 was a success! It really was a great day. Both kids slept in so I was able to get dressed and eat breakfast. The Mayor woke up first so I got him dressed and his breakfast started and then I was able to get Bear up and dressed and feed her while The Mayor ate his breakfast. We were all fed and dressed early enough that I had plenty of time to get diaper bags packed, car loaded up and us to the park where we were exactly on time.

The Mayor had a great time at the Easter egg hunt. He didn't quite get the concept of the hunt...he would pick up an egg and just carry it around. He didn't get that the egg should go in the basket and then you hunt for more. But he was adorable carrying around his eggs...and I did get him to put some eggs in his basket. That's ok...this was good practice for the Easter egg hunt we will have on Easter Sunday.

I treated us to lunch out at one of our favorite sandwich shops to celebrate such a great day. Bear slept while The Mayor and I ate. It was nice having some time with my sweet boy. After lunch it was nap time for him which allowed me some time with my sweet girl. All in all it was a great day. Glad my first day wasn't scary and now I have some confidence to get through the rest of the week. Each day will get better and easier and that is a nice feeling.

carrying around the Easter eggs

finally convinced him to put some eggs in the basket

decorating his cookie

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