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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

the countdown begins

Um, in less than two weeks we will be in South Georgia to celebrate Thanksgiving.  THANKSGIVING. When did Thanksgiving roll around again?  And the scarier part is Christmas will be just a few weeks after that...ugh.  Time...please slow down!

This week D and I started working on the kids Christmas lists.  I gotta have a plan for Black Friday.  After Thanksgiving, Christmas and my kids' birthdays, it is my favorite holiday.

So I have been on a kick lately of changing up things around the house.  And of course my imagination far exceeds my budget.  So I make small changes where and when I can.  This week's change were the cornice boards in the kitchen.  D and I made the cornice boards in our kitchen, oh, maybe 7 years ago?  I love them but wanted to change the fabric.  So Meega and I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday with the kids and picked a fabric that I LOVE.  It has just enough green in it to match the kitchen walls and lots of colors that tie the family room in with the kitchen.  And this fabric also comes in the same pattern but with chocolate brown, blues and greens and I am dying to get some panels made in that fabric for our Master.  But that will be another day...

Meega helped me remove the old fabric and attach the new.  It went pretty quickly...the hardest part was matching the same repeat of the pattern on the 2nd cornice board, but once we figured it out, the fabric was attached in less than 10 minutes.

I removed the antique plates I had hanging over the french doors.  Those lemon plates have been hanging since we moved in...they are in memory of my mom.  Lemons make me think of my mom...she painted them and seemed to always have something with a lemon hanging in her own kitchen.  Sadly, they don't match the new cornice boards so I will have to find another use for them.

Not sure what the next project will be...but until then, we will focus on the countdown to Thanksgiving.  Less than two weeks and I will need to pack enough for me and my monkeys for a week.  Can't wait!

the old cornice boards

the new fabric!

the new cornice boards with the plates removed

how gorgeous is this fabric?!

my loves

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