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Monday, November 14, 2011

hold them tight

Word spread through Facebook today that a guy I went to high school with has a 3 year old son who tragically passed away yesterday.  I do not know the details yet, but it always puts things into perspective when you hear news like this.  He has 3 kids and his son who passed is his youngest.

It is so easy, especially if you are blessed to have healthy children, to totally take life for granted.  No matter how old I get or what life experiences I have been through, there is always a little bit of "that won't happen to me" that creeps in.  But the horrible and scary reality is no one is exempt.  There are no guarantees.  So it makes you appreciate what you have while you have it.  So tonight, I held my babies extra tight and gave them extra kisses.  And while The Mayor and I cuddled before bedtime and said our prayers, I made sure he knew just how much I loved him.  And since D put Love Bug down tonight, I will make sure to give her extra kisses and tell her just how much I love her when she wakes up.  I can't say it enough, they can't hear it enough and I want to live with no regrets.

So thank you Jesus for blessing me with my life.  I am not worthy but I will take it.  And I will do my best to remind myself of this daily and to appreciate it.

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