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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

march madness

It's March and things are looking up for us. But the most exciting thing to happen this month is, in just 9 days, our sweet Love Bug will be turning ONE! And 2 days after that, we will be having the celebration of the year. In addition to the big first birthday, everyone in this home is beginning to feel 100% (and yes, I just knocked on wood...because we all know what happens once I start bragging about something good...)

After Love Bug and The Mayor were sick last got to momma. It hit me hard Saturday afternoon. Not only did it hit hard, it hit me all of a sudden. I had all of the symptoms of the flu but thankfully it was gone in 48 hours. What a relief because I was having small panic attacks thinking about being home with 2 small kids while D was at work and me being this sick. I literally could not get off of the couch without feeling like I was going to faint. If I had to be sick, it was a blessing it happened on a weekend.

But today the sun was shining, the kids are healthy and so am I. March is going to be a good month.

**And on a side note, in addition to the virus The Mayor had last week, he has not been acting like himself for the past couple of months. He wakes up in the morning telling us he is tired, he falls asleep on the couch at 11:30 in the morning or he falls asleep on us (both of which are NOT like him at all), he has no appetite and would prefer to be carried while he lies on my shoulder while we are in a store instead of walking "like a big boy" (again, so not like him). I took him to the doctor today to have blood work done...I needed to make sure there wasn't some underlying issues. They tested him for mono, his platelet levels, white blood count, iron levels, etc and all is normal! They think it could be allergy related. So we are off to a pediatric allergist. This is good news...allergies I can handle.

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