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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

date with the mayor

Today I took The Mayor down to the aquarium for a little one-on-one time...a mommy/son date. It was such a wonderful day. We explored all the different areas of the aquarium looking at sea life, river life, Arctic life...and in just about every display, The Mayor would look at me and say "whoa, big fish!". I probably heard that phrase no less than 85 times today. It was precious! This was his second trip to the aquarium, but the first trip were he understood what he was looking at. I love seeing life through his eyes. Everything is so exciting, so fresh and so new.

After the aquarium, we picked up daddy and went to lunch. We enjoyed a fantastic Mexican lunch and The Mayor was thrilled to be seeing his daddy during a work day. It was such a special treat for The Mayor...actually, it was such a special treat for all of us. Getting to be together during a work is good!

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