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Saturday, February 13, 2010

i love a snow day

This morning we woke up to the beautiful white stuff still on the ground. But to make it even better, the sun was shining and there was no wind! We could have stayed outside all day. The Mayor actually enjoyed eating the snow today and he and daddy made snow balls. The Mayor was working on his fast pitch (after carefully taking a bite out of each snow ball his daddy made him). He is getting pretty good with his pitching!

We are back inside, brownies are in the oven, and we are settling in for some fun play time. After naps, we will be venturing back outside to enjoy the snow before it melts. Today it is supposed to be sunny and get up to 39, so hopefully the icy roads will melt so we can get out and run some errands. Operation "Move The Mayor Into His New Room" is under way! The curtains were hung this morning and the rest will go up while he is napping. Hopefully, by this evening, we can get his furniture moved in and he can sleep in there tonight. If not by tonight, definitely by tomorrow! It is going to be a great weekend!

bear's first snowfall

getting ready for his fast pitch

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