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Saturday, February 20, 2010

fantastic day

Today did not disappoint. Starting with the could almost feel spring around the corner. Beautiful sunny skies, a light jacket needed throughout the day, but temperatures in the 50s. Tomorrow is supposed to be much of the same!

This morning, we had to run a few errands. One of which was at the mall, and instead of strapping The Mayor into a stroller, we decided to let him be a big boy and walk the mall with us. We also let him burn off a lot of energy in the indoor mall playground. We needed The Mayor to tire himself out because he needed to go down for an early nap so he would get up early to attend a birthday party this afternoon. Plan was a success! He went down early and slept hard. We had to wake him up after sleeping for 2 1/2 hours so we could make it to the party.

There was a bouncy house at the party and The Mayor had a blast! He didn't want to come out of the bounce house...even when we asked him if he wanted a piece of cake. You know The Mayor is having fun if he says 'no' to cake! We barely pulled away from the party before The Mayor had a dazed look on his face and the thumb was in his mouth. He was worn out!

What a great day. I am so appreciative of these wonderful days the 3 of us get to spend together before we become a family of 4. Speaking of 4, we are 4 weeks away from the due date of Bear. It is so wild to think in one month, our family will be expanding...and be complete. I love the fact we will have one boy and one girl. Our precious babies...can't wait to see what the future holds for us!

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