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Monday, February 15, 2010

the little things

I am so tired that tired isn't even a strong enough word. I am not sure what Bear has against me, but baby girl has refused to let me get a complete night's sleep for almost this entire pregnancy. And the more pregnant I get, the less I sleep. Last night I believe I had 2 hours of sleep. Anyone with a toddler knows, 2 hours a night just ain't gonna cut it.

So I am thankful to God that he has blessed us with a toddler that has been almost entirely perfect for the past 3 days. We had such a wonderful weekend that we were almost afraid to talk about it in fear we would jinx it. But today brought another fantastic day. The Mayor played hard this morning at our Monday morning play date, he ate a great lunch at Chick-fil-a with our friends from the play date and then played even harder in the indoor playground at Chick-fil-a. This took us right to nap time, where the angel slept for 3 hours. After nap, we went grocery shopping where he was pleasant the entire time. And when we got home, daddy was already here to help with The Mayor and unloading the groceries. It is the little things that are keeping me going and from being on the brink of tears. The Mayor has a jammed packed social calendar this week, so I am hoping the good attitude continues through the weekend.

My house is a disaster but who cares about that? Right now, I am going to enjoy the little things...

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