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Monday, February 22, 2010

operation "we miss daddy" day 1

Daddy left this morning for a 3 day business meeting in Arizona. 1.) we, especially me, hates it when he has to travel 2.) we, especially me, hates it when he has to travel and I am 9 months pregnant.

You don't realize how much you rely on a person until they are gone. And it isn't that The Mayor has been difficult today; in fact, he has been the opposite. He has been in a great mood and a joy to be around, but I do miss the extra set of hands from 5:30 until bedtime. I should be grateful that his travel schedule isn't what it used to be. He is rarely gone, but these are going to be a long 3 days. Wednesday night can't get here fast enough! The #1 priority of the day has been checked off the list: his safe arrival in Arizona. I am thankful for that. I hope he enjoys himself at his conference...he deserves it. But I can't wait to see him in a few days!

We are 35 minutes away from bedtime (not that I am counting) and then this momma is going to recline and put her swollen feet up. Praying day 2 of operation "we miss daddy" is a success!

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