As past blogs have taught me, you better be careful when you go braggin' on your kids because it always leads to a disaster. But I don't care. Today was perfect. It really was. And we totally deserved it. I was so sick on Monday and yesterday The Mayor was fighting a virus that gave him a fever as high as we needed an easy day. Today he woke up and was as sweet as can be. ALL DAY LONG. We did not have one 2 year old moment ALL DAY LONG. From the second I went into his room this morning where he said "mornin' momma" and then put his arm around me and laid on my tummy to the last moment of the night where we cuddled and kissed and said goodnight, every moment in between was absolute bliss.
The 3 of us just enjoyed being together all day today. We laughed and cuddled and was so wonderful. The Mayor wanted to play with Love Bug, entertain her, bring her toys and she could not have been happier. The way her face lights up when she sees her brother brings tears to my eyes. She was a little fussy this evening and her brother walked over to her and she started laughing and squealing. He just makes her so happy. I love the way they love each other.
so proud...sitting next to his new puzzle that we put together
so happy...just a swingin' and playing with the football her brother just shared with her
Lesson learned...I know. I am sure tomorrow will bring nothing but 2 year old tantrums...but that is ok. It will be worth it because of today.
*Some sweet stories about my kids that I just don't want to forget:
Every morning The Mayor loves to go into Love Bug's room to help me wake her up. And every morning, he goes to her crib and says "hi pretty girl". He tries to emulate the "baby voice" we use when talking to her so his voice goes up about an octave when saying "hi pretty girl". It is hysterical and ridiculously sweet. And when she is just playing in her exersaucer and watching him, he will walk up to her and say "hi pretty girl, what you doin'?". I must capture this on video.
I purchased this puzzle set for Love Bug and The Mayor a couple of months ago. It has 26 pieces for each letter of the alphabet (and an occupation starting with that letter is on each piece). The letters create a large circle and then there are puzzle pieces that fit into a smaller circle that make up a little town where the occupations listed on the alphabet puzzle pieces would work. Anyway, when we put the puzzle together, we ask The Mayor to hand us the letters (we will ask, where is the 'A' and he will bring us the 'A', etc). The puzzle piece for 'W' is 'Waitress' and it is a woman holding a tray of cupcakes. Every time we ask him for the 'W', he brings us the piece and then says "Mama and cake". Cracks us up...not sure why I am the waitress (about half of the letters have women portraying the occupation) but apparently to my little guy he wants his momma to always serve him cake. So precious.
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