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Monday, April 30, 2012

of all the days...

...for The Mayor to get sick it had to be on his field day.  I took him to school late this morning because he wasn't acting like himself.  And when we were walking in the parade into the gym to start field day at his school, he asked me to pick him up and carry him.  He was burning up.  I told his teachers we were going to leave and we headed to Target.  I needed to buy a new thermometer; we have one that goes in the ear but it is so unreliable.  So I bought one that looks like a temporal thermometer but you put it behind the ear and it reads your temperature in one second.  It isn't as accurate as a rectal reading...but what is?!  His temperature went from 100.3 when we got home to about 103 by the time it was bedtime.  I knew the thermometer wasn't completely accurate because you could literally feel the heat coming off of him.  And he was so lethargic today.  The Mayor has had his battles with fevers...and a fever does not get that boy down.  His fever has to be over 103 before it starts to phase him.  And all day long he just laid around...he actually took 3 shorts naps today.  His poor little eyes were glassy and blood shot too.  I am sure this is the same virus Love Bug had this weekend, but it is impacting them both in completely different ways.  She didn't stop playing this weekend and he barely got off the couch.  I am hoping this is just a virus.

I hate it when my kids are sick, but The Mayor gets so cuddly when he is sick like this.  So I do love the cuddling...not going to lie.

We will see what tomorrow brings.  Since today was field day at his school for the 3 year old classes, he won't have school tomorrow.  So we will probably just have a lazy day...which is fine by me!

Tomorrow...D starts his new job!  Big things happening here!

The Mayor's school pictures arrived handsome is he?!

my sweet sick boy...nap #2

no longer sick....mmm, mmm, good.  Enjoying that pizza!

cutest little girl...ever.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

touch-a-truck and date night

Love Bug woke up with a fever.  She wasn't interested in eating but was interested in drinking lots of fluids.  The Mayor, Love Bug and I just lounged around this morning while D was out training with some buddies for their next triathlon.  Even though Love Bug had a fever and wasn't eating, she was playing and acting like her normal self.  So I decided to take them to lunch while we waited for D and then we were going to take them to Alpharetta for their annual Touch-a-Truck.

Love Bug actually ate lunch, which was her first meal since breakfast the day before, and was in a great mood.  She kept telling me she was tired but then told me she wanted to see the trucks.  So we met D back at home and headed to Touch-a-Truck.  It was just as fun as the last time we went, but it was hot!  The thermometer read 74 degrees but it felt like 90.  We hit the big trucks: the Coca-Cola semi, an ambulance, a fire engine, a police motorcycle and some other random truck before we made our way to the bounce houses.  The Mayor wanted to go down this inflatable slide that was about 50 feet tall.  It made me queasy seeing him climb the ladder to the top...I just had a vision of him falling and taking all of the kids behind him out.  And the slide was so steep and fast I barely got a picture of him zooming down.  He loved it and would have spent all day there.

The kids were starting to get tired from the day and the heat so we got some frozen yogurt, which Love Bug was not interested in, so I then got snow cones.  Those were a hit.

We got home in time for the kids to go down for late naps and I ran some errands while the kids and D slept.  The Mayor woke up around 5:00 and he and I went out for our mommy/son date.  We went to Barnes and Noble for a couple of hours and played with the train table, the Lego table and picked out some books.  We then walked around outside and spent some time throwing pennies into the water fountain.  Our reservation at Chick-fil-a was for 7:30 (I tried to get the 5:30 or 6:30 slots but they were reserved).  The Mayor and I enjoyed a delicious dinner and he was thrilled he got a gold crown and balloon sword.  When they put the crown on him, he looked at me and said "I'm a prince!" And after they gave him his sword, he said "I'm a pirate, arg!" After dinner we walked around Target and he got to stay up until 9:30.  What a great night.  I loved having one-on-one time with my sweet little man.  And he loved being the only one getting all of the attention.  I can't wait until our next date.

D and Love Bug enjoyed their time together.  D spoiled her with lots of love...especially since her fever spiked again.  Looks like she and D will be missing church in the morning.  I hate it when my babies are sick.

this truck's horn was very loud so The Mayor kept his ears covered

he wanted to pull the cord which blew the horn, so he asked the driver if he would cover his ears for him

in the back of the ambulance...praying this is the one and only time they will ever be in the back of one of these

in the fire engine

in the fire engine

he loved being on this police motorcycle

sweet Love Bug

the slide

see what I mean?  I just knew that little girl was going to be pummeled when The Mayor came toppling backwards

speeding down the slide

ice cream break

getting ready for our date night

Friday, April 27, 2012

the next david beckham?

Probably not, but The Mayor received his medal for completing his first soccer season.  And you would have thought it was made of solid gold.  He was so proud!  He ran into the house to show Love Bug and then took it off and let her wear it.  Sometimes, they really are just the sweetest things.

After her afternoon nap, Love Bug spiked a fever of 103.9 so I decided to stay home with her while D took The Mayor to his last soccer practice.  I'm not sure what is going on with our girl; she was a little fussy and didn't have much of an appetite but she was acting like her normal hopefully this is a quick little virus that will be in and out with minimal damage.

I am looking forward to tomorrow...assuming Love Bug wakes up and is her normal happy self, we will be going to Alpharetta for their annual Touch-a-Truck.  The city brings in dozens of trucks, tractors, fire engines, police cars, etc for the kids to sit in, climb on and look at.  It is always a blast.  The Mayor will be so excited to see all of those trucks...which means Love Bug will be so excited because whatever The Mayor does or feels, Love Bug does or feels.  It's going to be a great day.

showing off his medal

showing off his ice cream to celebrate a great season

cutest soccer player ever

i love him so much

Thursday, April 26, 2012


One of these was needed...

and one of these wasn't...

The Mayor cut his knee while playing with D.  D was throwing him in the air and flipping him around and his toenail scraped against The Mayor's knee and cut him.  To which The Mayor told D "you need to get a toe cut".  HA!

The Mayor said he wanted a bandaid which meant Love Bug wanted a bandaid.  They sat there and talked to each other about the bandaids and how they made them feel so much better.  The Mayor spent the rest of the evening walking around while holding his knee.  The boy knows how to milk an injury.

We had a great day today...much needed after yesterday.  I am most excited about tomorrow because we have nothing on the calendar.  I love a day with no agenda.

checking out their bandaids

talking about their injuries

walking around while holding his knee

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

it's over

It is 8:09 and both kids are in bed, and I am so happy today is over.  My kids were wild donkeys today and my patience was about as thin as a piece of paper.

But for about 12 1/2 seconds, while the 3 of my loves were looking at the water fountain, I did thank God for my blessings.  And then the kids were crazy on the way to the car and I was thanking God bedtime was right around the corner.

When The Mayor and I said our bedtime prayers, I was certain to ask God for more patience for mommy and tamer children when morning comes.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I remember how much Meega and I played baby dolls, grocery store, being a mommy and every other pretend game a little girl can play.  And I am loving how my Love Bug is such a girly girl and loves to play those pretend games as well.  Tonight she and I pushed strollers and grocery carts with baby dolls, pretended to vacuum with her play Dirt Devil, made yummy food in our play kitchen and then had a dance party while the alphabet song played.  The Mayor got in on the action and made some food while Love Bug served it up.  It was so cute to see them using their imaginations and playing.

It was really cracking D and I up when they would each answer their phone on their play kitchen.  Hearing their "conversations" was too funny.  Love Bug would even balance the phone in between her chin and shoulder while "cooking".  She said she was calling Big Daddy.

Such a sweet night watching our babies being creative.

My camera was upstairs so we used D's camera on his phone.  He really needs to upgrade because his camera is not the best...

Monday, April 23, 2012

so sweet

D and I were in the kitchen making dinner tonight when I heard Love Bug and The Mayor giggling together.  I peeked around the corner and saw them sitting in the recliner together, sharing her sippy cup, "reading" my Kindle.  I just love how my kids are each other's best friend.

This morning The Mayor had his OT session and I just love seeing how far he has come.  His therapist walked out into the waiting room and The Mayor walked right over to her and said "awwww, give me a hug".  They hugged and then The Mayor asked if she was ready to play with him.  Such a difference from his last OT.  We would have to spend about 2-3 minutes before each session bribing him just to go back with her.  But with this OT, he gets excited to see her and isn't bothered in the least to leave me in the waiting room.  And his OT reports he is making great strides in reaching their goals.  I am so proud of my boy!

I accidentally left my purse in D's car from my tennis match yesterday, so after The Mayor's session, we met D in Buckhead for lunch so I could get my purse.  It was a nice treat and the kids loved seeing their dad during the day.  We need to soak up these chances when we can before D starts his new job and is traveling.

It was unusually cold (in the 40s) and super windy today, so after lunch we laid low in the house.  Love Bug napped and The Mayor and I lounged.  We had one of our favorites for dinner: breakfast.  The kids love it when we have breakfast for dinner, then we played and now the kids are asleep for the night.

Thankfully the wind should be gone after tonight and the warm weather is coming back.

Love Bug loves to be pulled around in the laundry basket

then she wanted me to pull her and daddy around in the laundry basket...almost had to buy a new basket

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

big changes are coming

Each night, our family room becomes a race track.  It is so funny to see The Mayor chase Love Bug and Love Bug attempt to chase The Mayor.  For every one lap Love Bug makes, The Mayor is well on his way to his 3rd lap.

It has been a whirlwind week in the Shirley household.  A very long story short is D was contacted by a company here in Atlanta, D interviewed almost everyday for a week with different people over the phone before having a face-to-face with the CEO and was offered the job.  

This job is such a huge promotion for D and will look great on his resume but it will require him to travel.  D is home by 5:00 for dinner 99% of the time so him traveling will be quite a change.  There will be chunks of time where he is traveling every week but then there will be chunks of time where he will be home.  And when he isn't traveling, he doesn't have to be in the office...he can work from home.  So when he is home, he is home.  I am actually excited about this new adventure and all of the wonderful opportunities this will have on the family.  Big things happening here!

Friday, April 13, 2012

ice cream celebration

We celebrated an awesome soccer practice with some ice cream this evening.  After two weeks of no soccer because of Spring Break, we had to do a little bribery to get The Mayor back into the swing of things.  Once he was at practice, he had a blast...and the pride on his face when we told him how awesome he did and how proud we were of him was priceless.

Tomorrow is hair cut day for the kiddos.  Love Bug needs her hair cleaned up so her bald spot isn't so obvious and the overgrown parts of her hair are a little more even.  Her bald spot is really growing in nicely so with a little cut, her hair should look even cuter than it already does.  The Mayor...oh, we just can't put it off any longer.  He needed a hair cut about a month ago so now it is long overdue.

The weather this weekend is supposed to be sunny and we will stay outside as long as we can tolerate it...and then play hard in the air conditioning.