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Monday, April 30, 2012

of all the days...

...for The Mayor to get sick it had to be on his field day.  I took him to school late this morning because he wasn't acting like himself.  And when we were walking in the parade into the gym to start field day at his school, he asked me to pick him up and carry him.  He was burning up.  I told his teachers we were going to leave and we headed to Target.  I needed to buy a new thermometer; we have one that goes in the ear but it is so unreliable.  So I bought one that looks like a temporal thermometer but you put it behind the ear and it reads your temperature in one second.  It isn't as accurate as a rectal reading...but what is?!  His temperature went from 100.3 when we got home to about 103 by the time it was bedtime.  I knew the thermometer wasn't completely accurate because you could literally feel the heat coming off of him.  And he was so lethargic today.  The Mayor has had his battles with fevers...and a fever does not get that boy down.  His fever has to be over 103 before it starts to phase him.  And all day long he just laid around...he actually took 3 shorts naps today.  His poor little eyes were glassy and blood shot too.  I am sure this is the same virus Love Bug had this weekend, but it is impacting them both in completely different ways.  She didn't stop playing this weekend and he barely got off the couch.  I am hoping this is just a virus.

I hate it when my kids are sick, but The Mayor gets so cuddly when he is sick like this.  So I do love the cuddling...not going to lie.

We will see what tomorrow brings.  Since today was field day at his school for the 3 year old classes, he won't have school tomorrow.  So we will probably just have a lazy day...which is fine by me!

Tomorrow...D starts his new job!  Big things happening here!

The Mayor's school pictures arrived handsome is he?!

my sweet sick boy...nap #2

no longer sick....mmm, mmm, good.  Enjoying that pizza!

cutest little girl...ever.

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