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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

sometimes a plan comes together

The Mayor is a picky eater, but lately he has become really picky.  Foods he used to love he won't touch now.  Some of this is just picky 4 year old boy and some of it is sensory related.  Pizza used to be a food he loved, but lately he isn't interested in eating it.  So I thought maybe if he made his own pizza he would be interested in eating it.

I rolled out their dough and then let them go to town.  They each rerolled their dough, put the amount of sauce they wanted on it, put pepperoni (or penoni as The Mayor calls it) and cheese on top.  They also liked eating the dough, cheese and pepperoni while they made their pizzas.  Once theirs were made and in the oven, they helped D and I make our pizzas.  We made a pepperoni pizza and a buffalo chicken pizza.

The true test was once his pizza was baked.  At first glance, he told me it was disgusting and he didn't want to eat it.  After he sat there for a minute, he nibbled on some crust.  After a few nibbles, he lifted the cheese and ate the pepperoni.  Then he started licking the pizza sauce.  Then he actually picked up the pizza and ate it!  Sometimes a plan really does come together.

We spent the morning at the park with a 5 mile walk on the greenway with some friends and then let the kids play at the playground to burn off some energy they had stored up from the 5 mile walk.  After the playground was lunch and then home for Love Bug's nap and rest time for The Mayor.

Today was such an amazing day.  We even made it through a bath time with absolutely no tears or screams from The Mayor.  He is really starting to come around and we are starting to see some big changes because of his OT.  Looking forward to another great Spring Break day tomorrow!

surveying all the goodies

rolling and patting out the dough

sauce time

putting on the pepperoni

The Mayor clumped all of his together


The Mayor grabbed fist fulls of cheese; Love Bug grabbed a few strands at a time

so proud

little chefs in training

helping D with the big pizzas

Love Bug and The Mayor's pizzas

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