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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

lions, tigers and bears, oh my

Yesterday we took both kids to the zoo. It has been on our list of things to do with The Mayor for months, and yesterday was the day. We had been given tickets from a dear friend so it made it even better that the trip was free! D took off work so we could avoid the crowds on the weekend and it made the trip much more enjoyable. We could take our time at each exhibit and let The Mayor walk the zoo (he is such a big boy) and still be able to keep an eye on him.

The Mayor got such a kick out of seeing the animals that we talk about at home. He knows how to make the animal sounds so seeing these animals in person was a real treat. When we got to the elephant exhibit, The Mayor would swing his arm in the air (like it was his trunk) and blow out his mouth to make an elephant sound. At the monkey exhibit, he cracked up when a monkey swung right in front of The Mayor and grabbed a branch through the netting and started eating it. Then The Mayor made monkey sounds. It was so cute. And D and I had fun at the zoo seeing it through the eyes of a 2 1/2 year old.

Sweet Love Bug slept through most of our trip. But at 6 1/2 weeks, I wasn't expecting much else. That's ok, something tells me we will be making many trips to the zoo over the course of the next several years.

using his arm as the elephant's trunk

this monkey grabbed a branch through the netting and then started eating the leaves, The Mayor thought this was hilarious

finally awake! of course, this was when we were headed to the car

tummy time

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