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Thursday, October 14, 2010

indiana jones and the pumpkin of doom

I grew up in the era of Indiana Jones movies...although I have never sat down and actually watched one of the movies. But I am quite familiar with the infamous scene where they are chased by a huge boulder. Today we had a similar experience, except instead of a boulder it was a pumpkin and the pumpkin wasn't chasing me but I was chasing it.

We had a wonderful day today; Meega watched The Mayor, Love Bug and Bennett while I played a tennis match. After my match, we hung out with the kids, ate lunch, Meega and Bennett went home for his nap and The Mayor and Love Bug went down for theirs. My dear friend Sue came over to drop off my cooler that I left at the tennis match and we hung out for about an hour. When Sue was leaving, The Mayor and I went outside to say goodbye and while I was talking to her in the driveway, The Mayor attempted to pick up the pumpkin sitting on our front porch. He couldn't pick it up on his own so the pumpkin bounced down both brick steps and literally took a hard left turn and headed towards our front flower bed. I thought for sure it would stop but instead the little sucker picked up some serious speed. While The Mayor yelled "Oh no, punkin, oh no punkin" I watched while this pumpkin went careening through the flower bed, down the hill of our side yard, down the slope into our neighbors yard, through their back yard into the wooded area of their backyard and come to a screeching halt as it slammed into a tree. The Mayor looked absolutely horrified that his pumpkin was no longer on the porch and totally out of his sight. Sue and I just stood there laughing. Seriously. I attempted to run behind the pumpkin but I literally could not keep up with it or catch it. I just had to watch as it slammed into the tree. I had to go inside and make sure The Mayor and Love Bug were both secure in their booster seat and high chair and then go off-roading through my neighbor's yard into their forest of a backyard to retrieve the runaway pumpkin. There is a slit in the front of the pumpkin that you can barely see...not too bad considering the trip the little bugger had just been on. Just another day in the Shirley household...


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