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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

halloween christmas

When The Mayor first started going to preschool, his teacher asked we send in a backup outfit that would be kept at school for the children to be changed into in case of a bathroom accident or if they spilled their drink on them. (They don't use sippy cups, they teach them how to drink out of a real cup so accidents are bound to happen). I sent in a pair of shorts and t-shirt that The Mayor rarely wore. I couldn't send in one of our favorites...especially since it was going to be kept at school. And being that The Mayor had a summer wardrobe that would have made any woman jealous, seriously, he had enough clothes to last him well over a month before laundry had to be done, it wasn't that tough to pick an outfit to be left at his school. His last day before Thanksgiving break they sent home the summer clothes and asked we send in an outfit appropriate for the cold weather when we returned to school this week. Being that we are still building The Mayor's winter wardrobe, I don't have a spare pair of pants and top that I can live without for the next several months. I contemplated not sending in an outfit today and running to Kohl's to pick up a pair of pants and a shirt, but something in me told me I better send an outfit. Even though The Mayor has never needed his backup outfit since he has been in school, something told me I better send in some clothes. So I sent in a pair of jeans that are WAY too big for him and his Halloween t-shirt. Both of which he will not be wearing this winter and I can definitely live without.

As I pulled up into carpool line, I caught a glimpse of my son, who when I dropped him off was wearing a pair of navy cords with a green and navy "Big Brother" t-shirt. When he was brought back to me he was wearing his navy cords and his orange and black striped Halloween t-shirt. While the other children were being brought out in their cute Christmas themed shirts, my son was sporting a shirt with a ghost on it saying "Boo!". He spilled his juice down the front of his shirt during snack time. Guess it is a good thing I listened to my gut and sent in the backup outfit.

The kids enjoyed spending the afternoon in their new toy house. A friend of ours gave it to us...I LOVE hand-me-down toys. Especially when they are in mint condition! This toy looks like it just came out of the box but apparently we are the 5th family in our neighborhood to own it. I love it when people respect their toys and take care of them. This toy is going to get a lot of love in this household. The Mayor kept asking D and me to crawl through the teeny-tiny door and get into the house with them. It wasn't good enough for us to just walk into the house, we had to enter through the door. Let me just say, I will be hitting the gym tomorrow. It was a tight squeeze.

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