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Thursday, February 24, 2011

we survived

We made it. We survived, me and kids, while D was out of town. We all look like a bunch of rag-a-muffins, but we survived. Why is it the kids get sick when the husband is out of town? Why can't they get sick on a Saturday when we are both here?

At 6:30 this morning, The Mayor woke up crying. I went to check on him and he wanted some water. He was burning up. I checked his temperature and it was already at 103.7. Some water and a dose of Motrin and he was back asleep. At 8:30, I was lying in bed while both kids were sound asleep just thinking about the day ahead of us. I decided we probably needed to start the day with a trip to the pediatrician. I called and they could get us in at 9:30...but then I remembered both car seats were completely stripped bare and sitting in the family room. Crap! I had to put together the car seats, get them back into the car, wake up two sleeping babies, feed them and get myself dressed and be out the door in 30 minutes so we could drop Love Bug off at Meega's and get to the doctor in time...

Took me about 20 minutes to tackle the car seats then I raced upstairs to get Love Bug dressed and then started her breakfast. While she ate, I woke up a sleeping Mayor drenched in sweat from his fever...we changed him into new PJs and his breakfast was juice (his request). I had about 45 seconds to get myself dressed and out the door. The only clothes at my grasp were the clothes Love Bug had vomited on the day before...yes, I was that mom today. Luckily, there wasn't that much vomit and I was the only person that could see it.

We got to Meega's in record time to drop off Love Bug and sped off to the doctor...we made it with 3 minutes to spare, thank you very much. The Mayor was pitiful, wanted to be carried and cuddled the entire time. Long story short, strep and the flu came back negative, but since he only started feeling sick yesterday, it is too soon for the flu test to come back positive. So he either has the flu or a virus. His temperature is still at 103 and he had 3 popsicles for dinner. Praying for just a virus and that it will be gone before we know it.

Regardless, D is home and I could not be happier. I always hate it when he travels but I was really missing him this trip. It is so nice to have an extra pair of hands around here.

Love Bug entertaining her brother

so pitiful...doesn't even want to hold his own popsicle

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

vomit and fevers

I had such high hopes for today. A leisurely morning around the house followed by a playdate at the park around 11AM. After the playdate we were going to go to lunch followed by naps, play time with Bennett and Meega and then our small group meeting at our house. We got through the first part of this agenda before the wheels of our day fell off...

We rolled into the parking lot of the playground. I popped open the doors of the van, walked over to Love Bug's side to get her when she greeted me with vomit. After she vomited, she looked at me, cried and proceeded to vomit two more times before I could get her out. She and the car seat were covered. Meega and my friend Sara offered to let The Mayor stay at the playground while I took Love Bug home to bathe her. I couldn't put her back in her car seat because it was filled with vomit so I put her in The Mayor's car seat. As soon as I got into our neighborhood, she vomited 2 more times. I hate it when my babies are sick...and it is even worse when they are this age and vomiting...they get so scared because they don't know what is going on. She just looked at me in the rearview mirror crying wondering what the heck was going on with her.

I took her inside, checked her temperature (which was normal) and put her in the bathtub. She was so happy! She was grinning and splashing...not the behavior I was expecting from a child who had just thrown up all over the place 5 times. After the bath, she went down for a nap and I stripped and disinfected both car seats.

Meega brought The Mayor home after I had gotten Love Bug down and he was burning up with fever. 102.6. Seriously? What a day. He was so lethargic and puny...he got into the recliner and fell asleep. After 30 minutes, he woke up crying and wanted to be cuddled. We cuddled until his sister woke up 3 hours later. She woke up in the best mood. Ready to play and even wanting to eat. As she was getting better, her brother was getting worse. I could feel his fever getting higher; I checked it again and it was 103.8. Oh yeah, did I mention? D is out of town on business. What a day for this to happen. We always miss D when he is away but I REALLY miss him now.

Both kids were in bed and asleep by 6:30. Love Bug was worn out from her morning and The Mayor was worn out from his fever. Praying tomorrow is fever and vomit free.

passed out

so sick

does this look like the face of a girl who had just thrown up?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

they have TVs in grocery carts now

Did you know they have TVs inside of grocery carts now?! Yeah, they do. Insane.

They just opened a new Kroger down the street and I have heard they have quite a large organic/gluten free section so I have been dying to check it out. While we were walking in, I saw a mom pushing a grocery cart with a car on the front of it. So I asked The Mayor if he wanted to ride in the car and he said yes! But when we walked in the store, there were no carts with cars on them, only the regular old shopping cart. Well shoot! But then I turned around and saw the mother load of all grocery carts. Not the measly plastic car with the sad black steering wheels we had seen in the parking lot but the jaguar of grocery carts and it had a TV in it! I got to chose the program, we settled on Handy Manny, and started off.

After shopping, we went to Meega and Bennett's house to play and then convinced them to join us for "Kids Eat Free Night" at Chick-fil-a. The Mayor was so tired he barely ate dinner, he didn't even want the free ice cream (which is something that he has never turned down) so when we got home, we all went upstairs and went to bed. They were both fast asleep before 7:00. Pretty awesome day.

Monday, February 21, 2011

getting old

I can't believe it has been almost a week since I have blogged. But this getting into shape business is wearing me out. I am going to the gym 6 days a week, sometimes twice a day (yes, I've lost my mind) and 3 of those days I am at the gym by 5AM. So I am usually falling asleep or ready to fall asleep shortly after the babes are down at 7PM. Yes, I'm also getting so old.

A quick recap of the last week...beautiful weather and lots of play. We played at our favorite indoor bounce playground, went on some walks and soaked in the sunshine, went to church, napped, worked out, worked out, worked get the point.

Tomorrow is a school day for The Mayor and me and Love Bug are going for a quick visit to see my dear friend Carolyn and her 3 adorable boys before they head back home to Valdosta. Then Love Bug and I will run a few errands and back home to enjoy some mommy/daughter time before we pick up The Mayor from school. Tomorrow it will be sunny and in the 60s so we will spend the afternoon going for a walk and hitting a playground. And then we will all crash around 7PM. Seriously, when did I get so old??

where's The Mayor?

she didn't love playing "Where's Love Bug" as much as her brother did

but she did love cheering him on in the ball pit

he wore his dad's bike helmet all morning...sadly, it almost fit his big noggin

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

brings out the best

The past 2 days have just been down right awesome. This beautiful weather just brings out the best in us. Everyone is happier when the sun is shining and we get to be outside running free. The past 2 days have been jammed pack with playing, special trip to get frozen yogurt, more playing, naps, playing, running free at the outdoor mall and looking at the fountains (one of The Mayor's favorite past times) where he and Love Bug were told by a couple of 8 year old girls a dozen times that they were "so adorable", and sitting on park benches just taking in the sunset.

Tomorrow promises to be just as awesome. Aunt Nat, Uncle Tom, Trey and Luke are coming to Atlanta for a quick day trip. I'm not even going to tell The Mayor until I pick him up from school...he is going to be SO excited that he will get to see his cousins. After school we will meet them downtown to hang out and play and then go to dinner. They will be going to the circus afterwards and D and I will be bringing home two very tired babies to go to bed. Can't wait!

Monday, February 14, 2011

valentines 2011

Today didn't go anything like I thought. It would have been nice to have woken up to breakfast in bed (somewhere around 10:30) then whisked off to a spa for the royal treatment. But since reality always takes its reins around here, I was woken up somewhere around 4:00 AM to The Mayor having a bad dream. After some soothing, he did go back to sleep, and the little angel slept until 8:30. Love Bug was up around 9:30 and while they played, I started on our taxes. She was ready for a nap around 11:30 so I finished our taxes while The Mayor played.

My plan was to go out for a walk and let the kids play once Love Bug woke from her nap and ate some lunch. It was sunny and almost 70 degrees today...I didn't want to waste that day inside. Well, Little Miss decided to sleep for 5 hours so that shot a hole into our plan. She is teething and has not been herself the past 2 days. And just like her brother, when she teethes, she sleeps. She went down for the night at 7:00. She literally slept this day away.

We all had a great dinner together and had a blast watching The Mayor get excited about his Valentine's Day gift. Love Bug smiled when we showed her hers. Bath time led to bedtime and the babes are sound asleep. D and I are going to enjoy the rest of the evening...and although this day didn't go exactly as planned, I am thankful to celebrate this Valentine's Day with the 3 people I love the most...and who love me. That's all the matters.

Friday, February 11, 2011

i'm going to miss this

Anyone who has children will tell you it ain't always pretty and it ain't always easy...but it is always worth it. And in the midst of my darkest days as a stay-at-home mom, when the clock just can't get to 5:30 fast enough so D will walk through the door, when I am tired of hearing even my own voice, when the timeout stair has been worn down, and on and on and on...I tell myself, you are going to miss this. And I know I will.

Tonight was one of those nights that I know I will miss. After a fairly easy and quiet dinner, we broke out the music and had a dance party right in the middle of the kitchen. And I dare say the parents had a better time than the kids. The Mayor had a blast being held by D and spinning and dipping around the kitchen. Love Bug loved just taking it in. Every once in awhile her shoulder would start moving up and down to the beat of the music and then she would just grin. She loved being twirled around the kitchen and seeing her brother laughing. I am going to miss this.

I wish time went as slowly now as it seemed to go when I was a kid. As a kid, it seemed like an eternity before the next Christmas or summer vacation came around. And now as an adult, I can't believe another Christmas has already come and gone and we are almost half way through with February. Time is flying by me and now that I am a mother, I need it to slow down. My first baby is already over 3 years old and my last baby is almost 1. Where and how did that happen? I am going to blink and they will be calling me telling me when they are next coming home to visit from college...and I am going to miss days like today.

highchair dancing

taking it all in

"raising the roof"

dancing queen

My children love music. The Mayor loves to sing and if a commercial has a song or a TV show plays a song, he wants us to rewind it so he can listen and dance to it over and over. Love Bug is now picking up on the music gene. As soon as she hears music, she starts swaying her little head back and forth. So when the nightly witching hour (kids wanting to be held while I am cooking dinner...whining when they aren't being held because they are tired...all while watching the clock waiting for D to come home) came around yesterday evening I put on some music. Love Bug swayed in her high chair while eating a snack while The Mayor danced around the kitchen "singing" the song on the iPod. Win-Win...the kids were entertained and I had my arms free to finish dinner. Gotta love music.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

God made me

God made the sun,
God made the seas,
God made the fishes,
and God made me.

Thank you for the sun,
thank you for the seas,
thank you for the fishes,
and thank you for me.


Yes my sweet one is happier than me and your daddy that God made you. This little diddy is one of the songs The Mayor is learning in preschool and I am hoping one of the songs they will be singing in March at their spring concert. I think it is one of the songs that they will be performing because after he sang this for us the first time, he bowed when he was done. I nearly wet my was so funny and beyond adorable. In the video, when The Mayor runs in front of D's legs (after he has sung the song for the second time) and he hunches over really quickly, that is him bowing. I love this boy.

Monday, February 7, 2011

it's on

Tomorrow morning I have my first official workout with my trainer. We met up on Friday to discuss goals and workouts...and tomorrow at 5:30 AM, we put it into action.

I'm scared.

But looking forward to finally getting into shape.

We had a great weekend. Miss Love Bug has learned how to kiss. I love this stage when they lean in for a kiss with their little mouths open because they don't know how to pucker. And she now says "bye" and "hi". This afternoon when I went into her room after she woke up from her nap, she greeted me with a huge smile and a "hi". I love this girl.

One month and 3 days until she turns 1. I can not believe one year has almost come and gone. The party planning is underway!

Friday, February 4, 2011

brotherly love

We have one of those old school rotary style plastic play phones (you know, the ones we used to play with when we were kids that have once again resurfaced in the stores). It is probably one of the least expensive toys we own and one of the most played with. It was one of Love Bug's stocking stuffers but The Mayor usually calls dibs on it. Once again, it was the hot toy of the night and The Mayor took it and yelled "mine". I said, "it is actually your sister's and she is nice enough to share with you". He said "awwwww" and walked over and placed the phone in front of Love Bug. Just as I was complimenting him on his sharing I noticed he was still holding on to the 12 inch string attached to the phone. The second Love Bug leaned over to pick up the phone, he pulled the string and the phone went rolling across the floor. He pulled it until it was out of her reach and when she started crawling for it and was just about to touch it...he pulled the string again. Such a stinker.

Today was super cold and super wet so we stayed inside all day. We left only for a quick trip through the Starbucks drive-thru and into Publix to get a few items. While getting out of the car, The Mayor fell and landed in a water puddle. He did not enjoy the fact that he was now cold and wet so he asked me to carry him. I put Love Bug in the cart and was going to let him walk and help me shop (which he usually jumps at the chance to do) but he was only happy when I carried him. I tried to enjoy every second of carrying around his almost 40 pound body reminding myself that he wouldn't always want me to carry him...and thinking about the great upper body workout I was getting while toting him through Publix.

waving "bye-bye"

she loves to eat

sweet siblings...before he taunted her with the play phone (notice the phone is to his left...out of her reach)

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Today was a cold, wet, and at one point, snowy day. It was also a school day for The Mayor which meant I was going to have one tired boy on my hands this afternoon. I know my boy and he didn't let me down. From the second I opened his door of the car when we got into the garage until we cuddled in for the night, he wanted me to "carry you". "Momma carry you, momma carry you" (which translates to 'Momma carry me'). And by 4:03 this afternoon, he was snoring on my shoulder. Because of the impromptu nap, he is now lying on the floor while he watches his favorite Curious George movie. I decided to let him stay up an extra 30 minutes.

Love Bug and I had a fun morning playing with Meega and Bennett. It is so sweet how they are best buddies. They love to play together. They each take turns being the leader while the other crawls behind "chasing" until it is time to switch roles. They are learning to share (which at this point is usually their sippy cups) and they love to laugh and "talk" to each other. I am looking to Bennett to help The Mayor protect Love Bug when they are in school since Bennett and Love Bug will be in the same grade.

One more day before the weekend. It isn't going to be nearly as gorgeous as last weekend but at least we get to all be together. I'll take that rain or shine.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

it's all about me

Most mothers of young kids can attest to the fact that we are usually put on the back burner. Partly out of necessity but also by choice. I choose to put my children and even D's needs before my own. And although I will continue to put my family's needs above my own, I have made the decision to carve out some time each day to make it all about me. Starting with a personal trainer. I went to the gym Sunday and paid for two training sessions a week and am committing to this for 3 months to start. I got paired up with an awesome trainer today and we start Friday morning. I will be training with him Tuesday and Friday mornings at 5:30. And for the first time in a L-O-N-G time, I am really excited about working out. Hopefully this will finally be the kick in the pants I need to get in shape.