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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

vomit and fevers

I had such high hopes for today. A leisurely morning around the house followed by a playdate at the park around 11AM. After the playdate we were going to go to lunch followed by naps, play time with Bennett and Meega and then our small group meeting at our house. We got through the first part of this agenda before the wheels of our day fell off...

We rolled into the parking lot of the playground. I popped open the doors of the van, walked over to Love Bug's side to get her when she greeted me with vomit. After she vomited, she looked at me, cried and proceeded to vomit two more times before I could get her out. She and the car seat were covered. Meega and my friend Sara offered to let The Mayor stay at the playground while I took Love Bug home to bathe her. I couldn't put her back in her car seat because it was filled with vomit so I put her in The Mayor's car seat. As soon as I got into our neighborhood, she vomited 2 more times. I hate it when my babies are sick...and it is even worse when they are this age and vomiting...they get so scared because they don't know what is going on. She just looked at me in the rearview mirror crying wondering what the heck was going on with her.

I took her inside, checked her temperature (which was normal) and put her in the bathtub. She was so happy! She was grinning and splashing...not the behavior I was expecting from a child who had just thrown up all over the place 5 times. After the bath, she went down for a nap and I stripped and disinfected both car seats.

Meega brought The Mayor home after I had gotten Love Bug down and he was burning up with fever. 102.6. Seriously? What a day. He was so lethargic and puny...he got into the recliner and fell asleep. After 30 minutes, he woke up crying and wanted to be cuddled. We cuddled until his sister woke up 3 hours later. She woke up in the best mood. Ready to play and even wanting to eat. As she was getting better, her brother was getting worse. I could feel his fever getting higher; I checked it again and it was 103.8. Oh yeah, did I mention? D is out of town on business. What a day for this to happen. We always miss D when he is away but I REALLY miss him now.

Both kids were in bed and asleep by 6:30. Love Bug was worn out from her morning and The Mayor was worn out from his fever. Praying tomorrow is fever and vomit free.

passed out

so sick

does this look like the face of a girl who had just thrown up?

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