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Thursday, January 12, 2012

just a tough time

All my life...seriously...all I wanted to be was a stay-at-home mother.

And I love my kids more than life itself.

But Monday when D came home from work, I told him his daughter made me want to go back to work.

We are going through a tough stage of life in our house right now.  Love Bug is not happy.  I am praying it has to do with her last 4 teeth hopefully cutting through soon.  She is cranky and things that used to be zero issue for her (like going down for a nap or going down for the night or eating or sharing or playing or getting in the car) are battles.  And her hair-pulling is back in full swing.  She is almost 100% bald on the left side of her head and last night she started pulling her hair on the top.  Just when her hair was actually starting to grow out.

And then there is all my worry about The Mayor, his therapy and preschools.  But I am just too tired to even write about any of that.  Maybe one day.

I am thankful we are all healthy and happy to know one day I will look on this and laugh.  And be proud we made it and thankful to be stronger for it.

Tomorrow is a new day.  And hair grows back.

a shot of the bald spot

and a shot of the top thinning out

it takes so long for Love Bug to climb the stairs 
The Mayor lies down to "take a rest" while waiting for her

she loves to dance

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