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Monday, January 24, 2011

number two

Warning: this blog entry is about poop...The Mayor's poop. Not graphic but you have been warned :)

The Mayor pooped in the potty today!!! For weeks we have been trying to get him to poop in the potty and he wouldn't. He would either go in his pull-up, his nighttime diaper or his underwear. For weeks we have had a container of playdoh and playdoh cutters and accessories on the counter as a bribe. We tell him if he poops in the potty he can get this bucket. At least once a day he tries to outsmart us by saying because he peed in the potty he gets the bucket...oh no, no, no my friend. To get the bucket, you've got to poop. And do it in the potty.

He spent the better part of the afternoon in only a shirt. He had a little accident in his underwear and I thought it would just be easier to leave him naked from the waist down. Plus, he hadn't pooped today so I thought now was as a good a time as any. I knew he had to go, he kept doing his potty dance but since he had just peed, I knew it was the other. I kept asking him if he had to go and he would say yes and we would go off to the bathroom. And then nothing. Except the request for the playdoh (he is persistent). I would tell him no, you have to poop in the potty and then you get the playdoh. Four other trips in 10 minutes resulted in nothing. I kept encouraging him, washing his hands and then sending him on his way. Two minutes later he bolted out of his playroom and said "I've got to go poopie!" while his legs were literally crossed. We ran to the bathroom and sure enough...he did it! And then he cried...not tears of joy but tears of fear. But once I kissed him and told him how proud of him I was, the tears went away. We washed up and went to retrieve our reward...and some underwear.

The rest of the afternoon he sat at the kitchen table and played with his playdough. And if he wasn't fast asleep, I am pretty sure he would still be sitting there.

so proud!

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