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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

and on the 7th day, there was a playground

Today was The Mayor's 7th smiley face (3rd round) and also happened to be the day the play set in the backyard was being installed.  Now that is a special treat if I have ever heard of one.  Gonna be hard to top that next week...

The Mayor and Love Bug spent most of the day watching the play set get erected.  The Mayor kept asking if we could go "play on the playground".  I really wish it had been installed on a school day.  It is torture for an almost 4 year old and 18 month old to sit there for hours watching a play set get erected.

Finally, at dinner time, the play set was done.  Well, 99.9% done.  The glider swing isn't up.  The installer didn't realize he had left the hardware to hang it back at the warehouse; he is coming back in the morning to hang it.  But the baby swing for Love Bug and the big boy swing for The Mayor are up...and so is everything else.

The Mayor loved climbing all over that play set and Love Bug loved following him around.  I joined them up in the fort, and while I was sitting up in the fort I asked The Mayor to climb the rock wall so I could take his picture.  He said "sure mama!  I'm coming!  I'm coming; I need to save you!".  Oh, my prince.

Now that the play set is up, we can get the sod laid.  Which needs to happen sooner rather than later because it is a dirty mess in that yard.  But that is definitely not going to keep us from enjoying our new play set.  Sadly, rain is in the forecast for the next couple of days.  Torture.

watching the play set being built

in just 6 1/2 short hours, it went from this... this!

"I'm coming...I need to save you"

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